first black korina strat build


So i just purchased a beautiful black korina chambered body. I was thinking of just getting a regular maple strat neck, but was wondering if there are any better options which would complement the body more. I was going to put the David Gilmour pickup configuration which is fat 50(neck), CS 69's(middle), and SSL 5(bridge).  And I am also having trouble deciding between black or gold hardware. Im open to any suggestions so just let me know.


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That is incredibly gorgeous.

In my ignorance, I wonder how do you rout a body that already has a finish on it.
To be more precise (and helpful), I don't think there is anything special to do just because you're working on a finished body. If you want to route it, be sure to use a quality bit (i.e. a sharp one), push the router in the right direction (regarding the rotation of the bit against the wood) and work in small passes. Which is what you have to do when you're working with bare wood anyway. Use masking tape if you want to be sure the finish won't be chipped (but it shouldn't if you have a good bit — I doubt Warmoth use tape on the showcase bodies they route according to the buyer's request); masking tape will make it easier to draw lines and align templates though.

danimal, this is a really nice body. I think a maple neck could work very well. If you want something similar with no finish, you could try a canary neck — it will be a bit darker than maple, perhaps more reddish depending on the particular piece, but it would still work with the shades of the body and the natural binding, I think. Regarding hardware color, I think gold would be over the top, and black too dull, so chrome would be my choice, but this is highly subjective, so... it's your build, it's your decision.

By the way, you may want to ask a moderator/admin to move your thread; this category is for finished builds, a sort of showcase.
Thanks alot for the advise I reely appreciate it. I did a little more research and im thinking of going with either wenge or pau ferro neck. Actually the body is already routed thats just the picture from the showcase that i saved before I bought the body. I'm still waiting for it to ship.
I'd vote for Canary. Looks good, feels good, doesn't need a finish, would match that body nicely - what's not to love?
jackthehack said:
I'd put a canary neck on that...
Hmmmm...Sounds good to me--much variety possible in terms of color and striping/streaking with canary; very pretty stuff, and a beautiful match for that particular body...good call,, Jack!
I really like both my wenge and canary necked guitars, but if I were choosing which to put on that body, I'd go wenge - canary's coloration and streakiness could be just a little off for that body's coloration. 
Either canary or wenge would look, feel, and sound amazing, but given your pickup choices I would go with canary. If you were going for something more warm and Gibsony I'd say wenge all the way. I'll second the gold hardware too. That is a beautiful body!
Regarding the Gilmour pickup configuration. I've been there and done that, and I can recommend against the Fat 50s neck pickup. It doesn't have the tone you know from his black Strat heard on the older records, and his most recent solo work. For that, I'd use another CS69 in the neck. It's much closer - the Fat 50s neck is not very lively at all.

I'm working from memory from here on it, but I think the story goes like this:

Fender made one of their perennial overtures to David with a view to creating a signature Strat, and he finally assented. Thus began the work of deciding what pickups to put in it. They gave him many, many pickups to compare with his existing Strat to try to match them. The bridge pickup was easily achieved, because, while it was originally custom wound for him by Seymour Duncan, the same pickup eventually went into production as the SSL-5. (The pickups supplied for this guitar are stamped with SSL-1C, like David's, but they are not made any differently to an SSL-5). The middle pickup likewise appears to have been easily matched with a custom wound one.

When it came to the neck pickup, things went a little differently. David tried out one of the neck pickups sent to him by Fender, and decided he actually preferred the one they'd sent him to the one in his Strat. So he told them to use that one, and asked for an extra one, which he put in his own guitar. That's the pickup that's in there now, a Fat 50s.

David has used the guitar on a few shows since then, but stuff like Live In Gdansk and On An Island is using the old pickup, stock from a 70s Strat I believe. I think he also has one of the NOS versions of his signature guitar and has used that a few times too. So if you want to use what David is using now then go with the Fat 50s, but if you want to use what he was using for Dark Side, Wish You Were Here, The Wall etc, then go with a CS69.

I started with the Fat 50s in the neck and immediately hated it and went to a CS69. Since then (five years ago or so) I have been trying to reach the holy grail: the same tone, but in a noiseless configuration. Just this past weekend I believe I have finally got there, with three Seymour Duncan pickups. The bridge pickup is an STK-S6 (Custom Stack Plus) - I've been using this for quite a while as it really does nail the tone of the SSL-5 without hum. However, for quite a while I'd been using the STK-S4 (Classic Stack Plus) in the neck and middle. The STK-S4 pickups are modelled more after a 50s Strat pickup and do a great job. It was great, but not quite right.

So what I did, was I asked the Seymour Duncan Custom Shop to come up with a pickup in the Stack Plus format (which is better than a normal stack - sounds exactly like a single coil but with no hum), with the tone modelled after a late 60s strat pickup. Fortunately they already do the "Psychedelic Strat" set of single coils, so they have the tone already, so I asked them to model the new pickups after those - just for the neck and middle, as the STK-S6 is already perfect. This was quite expensive as the engineering department had to be involved in order to create the correct configuration for the bottom coil. However, once they arrived: perfect. At some point I will try to do clips, but now I have the equivalent of late 60s pickups in the neck and middle, an SSL-5 in the bridge, all without hum.

If you're interested I could give you the pickup #s from the Custom Shop - they wouldn't be as expensive this time round because the engineering's done, they'd just need to make more of them. I ordered mine in parchment, with no logo, so they look like stock Strat pickups.
I'd be tempted to say that the best pickup to get Gilmour's tone is his own fingers, but that wouldn't get us anywhere :icon_jokercolor:

Bagman67 said:
I really like both my wenge and canary necked guitars, but if I were choosing which to put on that body, I'd go wenge - canary's coloration and streakiness could be just a little off for that body's coloration.

I have no experience with pau ferro necks yet, but I think it would look even better than wenge with this body, and everyone raves about the feel of this wood. As said before, I agree for the potentially problematic color of canary, unless danimal997 gets it from the showcase the color may not match the body very well.
Personally (that is--it doesn't matter in the slightest what I think) I think finding a 'color compatible' piece of canary would be pretty easy, and I also think that, as beautiful and luscious as pau ferro can be, its often extravagant grain is a potential clash with that incredible slab of korina, making for an overly busy visual. Again, that's MY opinion, and it's YOUR guitar--you're the ONLY one who needs to be happy about your choices! Whatever you decide, I'm pretty sure you can't miss with that body as a starting point! ENJOY!! :icon_thumright:   
croquet hoop said:
I'd be tempted to say that the best pickup to get Gilmour's tone is his own fingers, but that wouldn't get us anywhere :icon_jokercolor:
I think this is more true of Gilmour than it is of many guitarists.  Practicing his technique and style will get you much much closer than buying his gear and hoping for the best. Gilmour sounds like himself playing his P-90 Les Paul straight into the desk, his EMG Strat into a wall of live gear, and his black Strat through a little bit of tube drive in a living room.

You too can sound like this! Learn all his solos, but not just the notes, learn the performance. Once you can do that, you will be able to play a hot-rodded Tele into a cranked Marshall and have people say "sounds like Gilmour".
The body finally arrived so here it is. Im still taking neck suggestions and im still trying to decide the color of the hardware.


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Well that is sexy as hell. :icon_thumright:

I'm a Gilmour devotee, too - I was planning on going the SD SSL-1 Neck/Middle, SSL-5 Bridge route, but wound up splurging on a Bare Knuckle Mother's Milk set to try and hit a lot of bases - that's getting assembled soon so I'll report back.  I do have another Strat with EMG SA's and love the neck and middle sounds but I didn't much care for the single coil bridge, so that got swapped for an EMG-81.  If I had the mid-boost like his signature set includes then a humbucker probably wouldn't have been needed to get to the same ballpark, but meh, lol.

I think the things that stand out to me about Gilmour's tone from the "his hands" part of the equation most are the clarity of his pick attack, the great intonation he has with the pitch of his bends, and the way he uses his trem for that really consistent vibrato.

Neck-wise, with that body I'd lean Canary/Wenge or Canary/Ebony.  Raw neck, reported maple qualities, "bright" dense fretboard wood, comfort, and cosmetically either would look great with the Limba/Korina.