
Favorite Guitar Aesthetic


Hero Member
What is your favorite aesthetic for a guitar? Color preference matched with pickguard (if applicable), neck wood and fingerboard wood, etc.

For me, I think it's either David Gilmours Black Strat, or a 3 tone Sunburst (Vintage with the thick black edge that takes up a lot of space), mint green pickguard and a Maple neck/Rosewood fingerboard. Strats are my favorite, but what about you? I'm curious as a lot of you have such amazingly out-there guitars (In a good way, like that LP Danuda is building, the padouk lap steel, etc) Nothing to do with tone, but your favorite combo etc.

EDIT: I forgot to mention Languedocs! Take a look at Pauls website, if you haven't seen a Doc. They're expensive (10000) but look great. Might get one some day within the next two years if I can help it. Picture of one in Claro Walnut below.

Les Pauls! There is no competition.



I also have a weak spot for Jazz guitars. Drool over this Eastwood Doral!

My favorite aesthetic is a price tag that accurately portrays the quality, or in some cases, says
you're getting a steal.


Take your pick! Pretty much everything he does is just fantastic in my opinion. He's the one who inspired me to use Bloodwood for the fretboard! Going to order a new neck for my Soloist (got sick of that True Temperament honestly, way too much work) which will have a raw neck and Bloodwood. Gonna be sweet!  :icon_thumright:

Pure Sex

My favorite overall is a Strat style shape (Fender Strat, not a Soloist) Offset bodies are a big favorite of mine, as evidenced by the Languedoc picture. I really like that green guitar in your avatar, Street Avenger. Is there a full sized picture of it anywhere?
For me, nothing beats a stratocaster. It's the most beautiful asthetic body known to man & the headstock is pure perfection.

Just looking at this all origianl 54 Strat gives me goosebumps.

Les Paul and 335 shapes are my favorite, but I can appreciate a great many of the classic shapes.  Basically anything that isn't overly pointy has a chance I'll like it. 
k-k-kboooman said:
Les Pauls! There is no competition.

I also have a weak spot for Jazz guitars. Drool over this Eastwood Doral!

I came very close to buying another Les Paul today. Pretty nice little "standard" in mint condition at a fire sale price. But, I had the luxury of being able to mess with it for a couple hours, so I got it out of my system.

I share your weak spot for jazz guitars. I keep saying "one of these days..." but the day never comes. Same deal as the Paul - an hour or two of messing with one usually cures my lust. I think it's the appeal of the hybrid of electric/acoustic. Kinda like "Shimmer"


It's a floor wax!
No! It's a dessert topping!
It's both!
I don't have a favorite aesthetic.  Everything has to "mesh" for me.  Everything from the shape, to the balance, to the woods, to the feel of the neck between my fingers.

My favorite shapes by far are the aggressive ones such as the "Star" shaped body, Jackson Warrior/Ibanez Xiphos, B.C. Rich Warlock, etc.  I find the balance of these wild guitars to be excellent, and very comfortable to stand with or sit with, save for the Warlock.  They feel good against my body, they "lay" right, and my picking hand just always seems to fall in that perfect, comfortable place.

As a side note, I hadn't picked up my 1994 Tele Plus in nearly 2 months, and then decided to "take it for a spin" yesterday.  I found myself really having difficulty playing it, for some reason.  Everything just seemed "off."  I just couldn't get used to playing it again.
I'll bet the reverse would be true as well. Play the Tele for a couple months exclusively, then pick up one of the acid trip guitars and see how well it sits or plays.
14 years ago I was in a band called Aesthetik and rocked a Steve Vai shirt and Ibanez Jem guitar.  That my friends, is guitar aesthetics. :-)

This was only like our 2nd gig after being together for a few weeks, we did get MUCH better over time.  Although I do play a pretty sweet set of arpeggios at 1:53 :-)

LOVE that Languedoc guitar btw.  After my first Phish show I actaully waited around and went up to the soundboard so I could shake Paul's hand.  :-)  The man makes some sick guitars, not to mention he was a killer sound guy for Phish.
Cagey said:
I'll bet the reverse would be true as well. Play the Tele for a couple months exclusively, then pick up one of the acid trip guitars and see how well it sits or plays.

I played the Tele for years, and the first time I sat down with my Star, it was like a whole different world.  :icon_smile:
A perfectly made neck plate  :guitarplayer2:

Perfectly wound pickups  :headbang:

And a Warmoth made body and neck  :occasion14:
I love the single arc that carries from the upper horn to the lower horn on this Modulus. I love the dramatic wave shape on the headstock as well.

I like when things are appropriate.  I like plastic binding, but not on a Strat.  I like EMG pickups, but not on a Gretsch.  Then again, a Bigsby on Flying V is awesomeness incarnate.  A Birdseye Maple fretboard on an LP hits the spot too.