I've got an 89 in the bridge and an 89R in the neck of my Koa Carvin Bolt+.
I find the 89 to be clean, not sterile, so it's a pretty good base for any style. Splitting it thins it out as you'd expect, but it doesn't get weedy. Some say they are 'soul-less' compared to passives, but I don't feel that way. I just like their predictability really. Very quiet, easy to hook up [I use full solderless connects].
I've also used S, SA, and SLV single coil EMGs in middle and neck positions and prefer the SLV's as they're fatter sounding, SA's are the standard sound which is middly, and the S's are much thinner - ideal in middle for mixing with SA or SLV in neck for those Strat tones 'duck quack' I think it's called.
I also have a Yamaha Pacifica 412V which I've dropped a 81TW in - better for high gain and shreddy stuff, but remarkably usable for cleaner stuff too in my experience. The 81TW is a deeper size than the 89 so may not fit without addtional routing if you go for one of those...
You may get more headroom with an 89 if you do the 18v mod and add a second battery, which I've not tried yet, so not sure how it alters output whether clean or distorted.