
Don't do Mushrooms!

Superlizard said:
And if we legalize pot, I mean come on - the whole nation will be full of guys who just want to
lounge around all day, watch movies and eat your snacks... nothing will get done.

I got news for ya pal, the nation is already full of those guys.  :D
dbw said:
Superlizard said:
And if we legalize pot, I mean come on - the whole nation will be full of guys who just want to
lounge around all day, watch movies and eat your snacks... nothing will get done.

I got news for ya pal, the nation is already full of those guys.  :D

Haha I was about to say that.
Superlizard said:
And if we legalize pot, I mean come on - the whole nation will be full of guys who just want to
lounge around all day, watch movies and eat your snacks... nothing will get done.

really  - the whole nation. Even people that don't want to do it will be doing it - plus all the millions already doing it....  yeah.
im not gonna say the shrooms didn't do it but the supplements these guys all take probably have a big effect on how the shrooms effected his mind. some of those supplements may be legal but are clever modifications of anabolic steroids. i remember a couple being banned within the airforce even though it could be purchased at the GNC on base.

also dealers sometimes lace drugs with other drugs, most extacy pills contains little or no actual MDMA i saw something where several pills were analized and they found many differnt drugs and harmfull chemicals including rat poison in what was supposed to be E.

but on a related note i know a guy who fought all his siblings and had to be taken to the hospital because he believed his family had become possesed. they had to hold him down while he fought back screaming "jesus christ is the only way" the responding ambulance was hit buy a fuel truck before it arrived on the scene, big mess. this was a mushroom related event but may have had other drugs involved.

i hope we dont have any supplement users(or should i say abusers as i have known people who take them legitamately to treat metabolic problems) here but my opinion is that if you take protien to get bigger, why cant you just eat more meat? i have fitness books that cover body building, im not into that stuff but ive read them and an extra chicken breast or two a day is all you need, if your not getting bigger your doing it wrong! the people i know who take that stuff have serious inferiority problems or otherwise have low self esteem.

also i cant see how this mans mushroom induced insanity is a defense, only in america is breaking the law an excuse to justify breaking the law! "Hey! I Murdered a guy in cold blood, i ripped his heart out and mutilated his face and burned the body parts in a fire, but it's ok cuz i only did it cuz i was high, im really a nice guy! i promise! "

fact is the guy is a drug abuser (illegal last i checked) and probably abuses more than just mushrooms, send him to the worst kind of prison full of gang bangers and plauged with riots surround him with people that will kill for the way you look at them and have nothing to lose. let him live the rest of his life in fear!
jackthehack said:
More likely the steroids they all take than mushrooms....

possibly part of it. but my uncle took steroids all his life (body builder) and he was the nicest guy i've ever known. the steroids definitely did shorten his life though :-\ obviously that was just one case, but i met all his body builder friends and they were great people. actually a few of them opened up a snow cone shack in ocean city, maryland together :laughing7: if you ever wanted a good laugh try buying snowcones from 3 very buff men all crammed into a tiny shack.

another friend of mine went on a mushroom trip and said he was half eaten by his television and felt every bit of it. they're powerful shit.
tfarny said:
Wow, horrific. That hasn't exactly been my own experience, personally, though.....perhaps it has something to with the psyches of cage fighters as well?
Well, don't generalise cage fighters.

A year ago, 60-70 USMC soldiers were stationed at the military base in my hometown.
They were there for two weeks, and I met them the first day they were here. We went out to have a couple of beers every night. I still have contact with about 10 of them, and I'm planning to visit them in Iowa when I turn 21 next year.

One of the guys, which I came along with really well, was a kind and calm guy. What I didn't know, was that he was an undefeated WEC fighter (world extreme cagefighting) at that time. 9 victories and 0 loss.
We're still in touch weekly, and he's a kind of big-brother-person to me now.

I agree that the mind set of some of these athletes could be very wrong and unfortunate from the day they figured that they wanted to become MMA fighters.
The killer, in particular - has only fought two times, and my friend in the WEC has never heard of him.

I will not reveal my friend's name, because he didn't want me to - and that is understandable because of the topic.
If anyone honestly believes that this was the result of psilocybin entirely, or even mostly, needs to take a closer look.  I choose not to do drugs (exception of 6 smokes a year and beer/drinks once every couple weeks), so I'm not championing their cause, but I think it should be made clear that significant mental issues were present that have nothing to do with what he was intaking... illegal, legal, whatever. 

The dude could also have been slightly allergic to the shrooms. 

Most people are really nice on morphine, but my grandma went crazy and tried to bite people when she was in the hospital because it turned out she was allergic to it.  She had to be in restraints and she could only speak weird gibberish.  The same thing happened to my cousin.  Drugs affect everyone differently. 
One person's weird gibberish may be another person's Revealed Transmissions form the Esteemed Master, you know.  Severe vitamin deficiencies can also cause hallucinations, and India is full of really, really skinny "wise men" who pontificate on the nature of things. American Indians used to send the boys out into the wilderness on a vision quest, starve them until they came home with the ANSWER... Major parts of the Bible were written about people who wandered around in the desert with no food for long spells of time.

The point being: if you were to excise the hallucinations (AKA "visions") from the history of any religion, all you'd be left with a sack o' blind faith, avaricious hypocrisy, kneejerk do-gooderisms & dribbling poodle pucky.
So, Embrace your Hallucinations! You are an Esteemed Master! :blob7:

lemme give you my address if yer givin' away all yer posessions, speckally gi-tars
Anyone remember Chris Benoit? I'm thinking this is roid rage.

Dan025 said:
fact is the guy is a drug abuser (illegal last i checked) and probably abuses more than just mushrooms, send him to the worst kind of prison full of gang bangers and plauged with riots surround him with people that will kill for the way you look at them and have nothing to lose.
Actually, given his fighting skill, he'll probably end up being one of the heavies in the gangs you hope will terrorize him. Well, either that or "turn Christian."  Or both, when convenient.
Jet-Jaguar said:
Anyone remember Chris Benoit? I'm thinking this is roid rage.

Dan025 said:
fact is the guy is a drug abuser (illegal last i checked) and probably abuses more than just mushrooms, send him to the worst kind of prison full of gang bangers and plauged with riots surround him with people that will kill for the way you look at them and have nothing to lose.
Actually, given his fighting skill, he'll probably end up being one of the heavies in the gangs you hope will terrorize him. Well, either that or "turn Christian."  Or both, when convenient.

you may be right but the ring and the street are two different places, i know cage fighting has few rules but no shanking people is one of them....  and how many fights does this guy actually have? i think his survival in prison has to do with if hes actually accepted into a gang,
Dan025 said:
Jet-Jaguar said:
Anyone remember Chris Benoit? I'm thinking this is roid rage.

Dan025 said:
fact is the guy is a drug abuser (illegal last i checked) and probably abuses more than just mushrooms, send him to the worst kind of prison full of gang bangers and plauged with riots surround him with people that will kill for the way you look at them and have nothing to lose.
Actually, given his fighting skill, he'll probably end up being one of the heavies in the gangs you hope will terrorize him. Well, either that or "turn Christian."  Or both, when convenient.

you may be right but the ring and the street are two different places, i know cage fighting has few rules but no shanking people is one of them....  and how many fights does this guy actually have? i think his survival in prison has to do with if hes actually accepted into a gang,
I've seen some of the mixed martial arts fighting on TV, and a lot of those fighters seem like really good guys, fighting as a sport, helping the other guy up, and just enjoying themselves.
i think it's just the "bad apple" sort of deal. it's just as likely that a grocery store clerk could have done this as this guy. maybe athletes (famous or not) think they're above the law (football players seem to think this a LOT every offseason), but i think those stories are just more prevalent because they're normally people we've heard of getting in trouble. a ton more crimes are committed by skinny/fat untalented people every day.

the good news is that for every chris benoit or THIS guy there are several athletes who spend their time with charities giving back.
I don't think this guy thought he was getting away with something. He had a total psychotic break.
Well, well, well

See this is why I only eat mushrooms at a concert now days..........  I used to do a lot of home shroooming, with usually bad psychological results... I learned a long time ago that the only place for me that mushrooms and I mix well is at a concert!  I don't know if I would cage fight all high on fungus.

I have had my run ins with E and LSD and honestly I get a little bugged out not knowing what chemicals I was injesting, the E used to really scare me when I would eat it, so I just quit eating it  a long time ago.  My utter contempt for the Phish Phan scene is the influx of all the Exstacy and the gangsters that it attracts looking to make a fast buck.  That is the way it was on the east coast before the hiatus.... Philly Mafioso up and coming thugs would infiltrate the phish scene and sell tons of crap E to the kids and honestly 25,000 people on bad E isn't exactly the best scene if you ask me.  And Phish are not the Grateful Dead, the family vibe isn't there to an outsider like it was at the Dead's scene.

Anyway yeah I think we should have legal marijuana and mushrooms, they are plants.  I think if they are illegal, why shouldn't asparagus and begonias illegal?  They are plants too!!  Bottom line is that the cops make enough money with it illegal and really if the made pot illegal, there would be a lot less crime for the piggys to go out and find!!  How much does the DEA spend on marijuana each year?  Why can't that money be put into music programs for public schools and let people smoke pot.  I don't know, I think pot being illegal is the same thing as making masturbation illegal, people are still gonna do it regardless if it is legal or not. 

I don't know, I'm not trying to get into this argument.  Honestly I am looking forward to the All Good Festival in July so I can eat some shrooms and listen to some good old grateful dead type music and shake my bones with a brain full of psycodelic drugs and watch the band melt!!! 

"If you got the fire, then I got the smoke.  Light the fire, get down"  qoute from a song my buddy wrote!!