
December GOTM...winner

who should win

  • Total voters
Superlizard said:
I voted for ORCRIST because the TV set behind his guitar has a Minnesota Viking.   :icon_jokercolor:


Thanks everyone! I'm truely humbled by everyone's responses (and I don't mean just the contest thread here).

That is because I live in Minnesota, Superlizard! I've lived here all my life despite being a Cheesehead by birth!!! (Booo! Hiss!)
But to be fair, I only lived in Wisconsin for the first 6-9 months of my life before the parental units decided to get the hell out
of Dodge, and moved to real civilization (aka Minnesota).  :icon_biggrin:

The Vikings are, and always be "my boys", I'm no fair-weather fan.

ORCRiST said:
Superlizard said:
I voted for ORCRIST because the TV set behind his guitar has a Minnesota Viking.   :icon_jokercolor:


Thanks everyone! I'm truely humbled by everyone's responses (and I don't mean just the contest thread here).

That is because I live in Minnesota, Superlizard! I've lived here all my life despite being a Cheesehead by birth!!! (Booo! Hiss!)
But to be fair, I only lived in Wisconsin for the first 6-9 months of my life before the parental units decided to get the hell out
of Dodge, and moved to real civilization (aka Minnesota).  :icon_biggrin:

The Vikings are, and always be "my boys", I'm no fair-weather fan.


had to vote for my fellow Minnesotan.  :icon_thumright: (and the best guitar too, obv.)
exaN got my vote.  Orcrist, hbom, great work - and everyone else as well.  But my taste for the classics won out.  Maple/maple and fiesta red with a white guard - it's the simple things in life that make it worth living (for me).


B3Guy said:
had to vote for my fellow Minnesotan.  :icon_thumright: (and the best guitar too, obv.)

Well, hell - if there's anyone else in Minnesota on the board we could arrange a meet.

I'd love to have some other players take the Spit for a spin and get your impressions,
and maybe I could see some of the other guitars posted on here, too...

bagman67 said:
exaN got my vote.  Orcrist, hbom, great work - and everyone else as well.  But my taste for the classics won out.  Maple/maple and fiesta red with a white guard - it's the simple things in life that make it worth living (for me).



Haha thanks :D

I think we know who's going to win though haha, congrats ORCRiST that guit is KILLER :headbang:.
Cagey said:
I think it's more about "which one would you take home and play with?" than anything else. There will always be heroic builds, unusual builds, artistic builds, etc., but which one would you like to have if it was a guaranteed-to-win lottery and you got your choice? I mean, a Flying V made out of ebony with a Wenge neck faced with Pau Ferro, stainless steel railroad tie frets, Kinman pickups and Ren & Stimpy embossed on the face would be an awesome fiddle, but would I want it? No. Flying Vs suck, as far as I'm concerned. I just don't like them and never will.

Same holds true for my choices. I like a traditional Strat with modern appointments. But, there are a lot of people who'd take one of my guitars and change it into something else, maybe even firewood. Granted, those are some profoundly retarded people, but... <grin>

You know, I've always wanted a Flying V - but a Jackson one with the beveled and pointed corners, those are badass IMHO although V's
in particular are a tad... unpractical.

As far as the "playing it sitting down" thing goes (beyond the pictures of how its done currently), I have a kick ass idea for a
little built-in invention. Simple and practical. Although, honestly, it should probably be one of those things I should actually

Go for it. The way the USPTO works these days, you could patent used toilet paper. If you're thinking of a pull-out leg rest sort of thing, it's already been done. But, prior art and obviousness don't count for much anymore, either, so you're good to go.
Cagey said:
Go for it. The way the USPTO works these days, you could patent used toilet paper. If you're thinking of a pull-out leg rest sort of thing, it's already been done. But, prior art and obviousness don't count for much anymore, either, so you're good to go.

Ooooh, neat! (Visual) examples Cagey?

Superlizard said:
I voted for ORCRIST because the TV set behind his guitar has a Minnesota Viking.   :icon_jokercolor:

I'm a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge Maiden fan, and that is a fantastic guitar no doubt...But I hate the vikes, so had to go with my buddy Gary's B.O. tele.... :dontknow:
ORCRiST said:
Cagey said:
Go for it. The way the USPTO works these days, you could patent used toilet paper. If you're thinking of a pull-out leg rest sort of thing, it's already been done. But, prior art and obviousness don't count for much anymore, either, so you're good to go.

Ooooh, neat! (Visual) examples Cagey?


A famous tube matching huckster got a patent on a reactive power load for which artwork existed in the Radiotron Designer's Handbook, some 50+ years earlier.
swarfrat said:
A famous tube matching huckster got a patent on a reactive power load for which artwork existed in the Radiotron Designer's Handbook, some 50+ years earlier.

Let me guess:  Aspen Pittman of Groove Tubes.
Congratulations on an outstanding job. Now all you have to do is take a photo sans the Minnesota winter time forest reflection for your banner! :glasses9:
Congrats ORC - beautiful guitar and a real testimony to time, patience and seeing a vision through to completion.  I feel honored just to "compete" with you (if six votes is considered competition - lol)
PT said:
Congratulations on an outstanding job. Now all you have to do is take a photo sans the Minnesota winter time forest reflection for your banner! :glasses9:

Lol, I'll see what I can do. I think I have an idea... we'll see...

CrackedPepper said:
Congrats ORC - beautiful guitar and a real testimony to time, patience and seeing a vision through to completion.  I feel honored just to "compete" with you (if six votes is considered competition - lol)

Thanks Cracked, if I didn't have my guitar in the mix this month - I probably would have voted for yours - that neck is really cool. :icon_thumright:

As far as 'competition' goes, remember this is just a harmless little contest amongst ourselves. No big whoop.

That being said, I feel like I got a little Christmas present early this year...  and look forward to seeing how the
Guitar of the Year contest shakes out! :)  Thanks everyone again!
