
December GOTM...winner

who should win

  • Total voters
Uh.... Question..... Autobat, why do you have a butterfly guitar strap?  :icon_scratch: :icon_scratch:
Because it was the best looking strap in the store.  Most of the others had skulls or camouflage on them or were brightly coloured.
Plus I'm not the least be threatened to use wear a butterfly strap
It does seem to be getting tougher to find decent straps for reasonable money these days. Butterflies are the least of your worries with most of them. Somehow, it seems they want us all to wear skulls, chain mail, studs, rivets, swastikas and other disagreeable stuff.
I'm just messing with ya! I was just curious. :icon_thumright:

I totally understand though, Good straps are hard to find.
All of the entries were fantastic. The Maiden Strat though, knowing the story behind it and everything that went into it, didn't really stand a chance of losing. Congratulations and great build. Well deserved GOTM here.
Gotta say, the Maiden strat looks simply outstanding in the top corner of the forum.  It's such a cool opitcal illusion against the black background.      Love it. :guitaristgif:
Erik Z said:
Gotta say, the Maiden strat looks simply outstanding in the top corner of the forum.   It's such a cool opitcal illusion against the black background.      Love it. :guitaristgif:

Yeah, Eddie looks like he is flying off the body!
ORC's guitar received 40 votes of 91 - a near landslide by many measures.  Does anyone know if that the most votes any GOTM has received?  I can't see all of the results because  I did not vote in some of them as they were before my time here.
yea but ORC made up 39 side memberships

Just kidding, the guitar deserved a landslide, it is one of the best concepts and finishes I have ever seen here, the emblem on the head stock, simple and such a nice execution, the entire body graphic, nothing over the top,
And the professional who did it was top notch

what can you say, I think there were some great entries this month, some of them would win on any other months if entered.
My hat is off to anyone who enters his axe here anyway, they all are great. weather a simple single color, or a themed guitar,

I think that is the beauty of this however, look at Hachi's win, nothing fancy in colors, but the execution of the work, the stereo output, very nicely done, It seems each month we get winners for different reasons, always nice.
CrackedPepper said:
ORC's guitar received 40 votes of 91 - a near landslide by many measures.  Does anyone know if that the most votes any GOTM has received?  I can't see all of the results because  I did not vote in some of them as they were before my time here.

I think that was the biggest.  Usually it is around 20-25%.
CrackedPepper said:
ORC's guitar received 40 votes of 91 - a near landslide by many measures.  Does anyone know if that the most votes any GOTM has received?  I can't see all of the results because  I did not vote in some of them as they were before my time here.

It's probably the highest percentage, and probably the most votes but not the most voters.  The usual winner might have 1/2 that and has had as little as 15%.  Landslide though?  Plurality, not majority.  There were more votes against than for - voting statisitics can be spun anyway, lol.  None of that really matters though, because it appears the best guitar won.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
None of that really matters though, because it appears the best guitar won.

Indeed.  A well-deserved win! 

This has been fun.  Now who's going to take over the GOTM contests next year?