
December GOTM...winner

who should win

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ORCRiST said:
I checked out that sight Cagey, Mr. Kirn does indeed make some sweet axes.  :icon_thumright:

If you get some spare time, you might want to go through the Strat Build Tutorial he has up. He takes you from the raw lumber harvested on his own land all the way through to the finished, deliverable Strat, with excellent photography (over 450 pics) and commentary the whole time. It's very enlightening and educational, as well as entertaining.
ORCRiST said:
Yeah, but calanders are supposed to have a limited shelf life Super, how else would the next years winners get
to show their stuff, and thus more advertising and revenue for Warmoth?

Point made, but that's not really what I meant.  2011 calendars are already on the clearance racks in some stores, including GC.  In a few weeks or even days, they'll be in the garbage.  One could say that they're buying it for the pictures and not necessarily the dates, but how's that different than any other calendar?  Conversely, W's necks and bodies that didn't sell last month are still for sale at the same price, and the same price next month.  Hopefully their best advertising and revenue is from customers and the products they make and not calendars.

It's all moot anyway.  If they can't show a finished body with licensed headstock shape anywhere except on an unofficial forum (and that's not done by them, but customers), how could they sell it in a calendar?

There's nothing to keep one us from doing it though, right?      
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
There's nothing to keep one us from [making a calendar] though, right?     

True. In fact, if you were interested, the way to do it would be to build it in HTML or as a PDF, then make it available as a file people could download and print out themselves.
Great Idea. make it free, too. Free advertising is the best kind.  :icon_thumright:
It's interesting to me how a simple idea like a calendar gets twisted into the pros and cons of Warmoth making/selling them. This whole debate has absolutely NOTHING to do with my original comment, or at least the meaning behind my comment. What I meant was that I'd like really good pics of the monthly winners so *I* could make a calendar. How this got to the semantics of Warmoth selling calendars is beyond me. Text messages: The message sent isn't always the message that is received.
mullyman said:
It's interesting to me how a simple idea like a calendar gets twisted........This whole debate has absolutely NOTHING to do with my original comment.......................The message sent isn't always the message that is received.

welcome to my world!!!!
mullyman said:
It's interesting to me how a simple idea like a calendar gets twisted into the pros and cons of Warmoth making/selling them. This whole debate has absolutely NOTHING to do with my original comment, or at least the meaning behind my comment. What I meant was that I'd like really good pics of the monthly winners so *I* could make a calendar. How this got to the semantics of Warmoth selling calendars is beyond me. Text messages: The message sent isn't always the message that is received.

They're called 'tangents' Mully, and the interwebz (specifically forums) are where they thrive.  :laughing7:


EDIT: LMAO DMRACO!  :icon_jokercolor:

ORCRiST said:
mullyman said:
It's interesting to me how a simple idea like a calendar gets twisted into the pros and cons of Warmoth making/selling them. This whole debate has absolutely NOTHING to do with my original comment, or at least the meaning behind my comment. What I meant was that I'd like really good pics of the monthly winners so *I* could make a calendar. How this got to the semantics of Warmoth selling calendars is beyond me. Text messages: The message sent isn't always the message that is received.

They're called 'tangents' Mully, and the interwebz (specifically forums) are where they thrive.  :laughing7:


EDIT: LMAO DMRACO!  :icon_jokercolor:

No, this is a tangent:
line6man said:
ORCRiST said:
mullyman said:
It's interesting to me how a simple idea like a calendar gets twisted into the pros and cons of Warmoth making/selling them. This whole debate has absolutely NOTHING to do with my original comment, or at least the meaning behind my comment. What I meant was that I'd like really good pics of the monthly winners so *I* could make a calendar. How this got to the semantics of Warmoth selling calendars is beyond me. Text messages: The message sent isn't always the message that is received.

They're called 'tangents' Mully, and the interwebz (specifically forums) are where they thrive.  :laughing7:


EDIT: LMAO DMRACO!  :icon_jokercolor:

No, this is a tangent:

ANd Look! Its thriving on an internet forum too!

mullyman said:
It's interesting to me how a simple idea like a calendar gets twisted into the pros and cons of Warmoth making/selling them. This whole debate has absolutely NOTHING to do with my original comment, or at least the meaning behind my comment. What I meant was that I'd like really good pics of the monthly winners so *I* could make a calendar. How this got to the semantics of Warmoth selling calendars is beyond me. Text messages: The message sent isn't always the message that is received.

It has something to do with it - A calendar.  Less hijack that ye be hijacked by the same token by which ye hijack.... or something like that.
line6man said:
ORCRiST said:
mullyman said:
It's interesting to me how a simple idea like a calendar gets twisted into the pros and cons of Warmoth making/selling them. This whole debate has absolutely NOTHING to do with my original comment, or at least the meaning behind my comment. What I meant was that I'd like really good pics of the monthly winners so *I* could make a calendar. How this got to the semantics of Warmoth selling calendars is beyond me. Text messages: The message sent isn't always the message that is received.

They're called 'tangents' Mully, and the interwebz (specifically forums) are where they thrive.  :laughing7:


EDIT: LMAO DMRACO!  :icon_jokercolor:

No, this is a tangent:


This is an ugly cardigan
Looks like something Mr. Cleaver would wear.


Ward, I think you were a little hard on the Beaver last night!