
December GOTM...winner

who should win

  • Total voters
Hbom said:
I just looked at the past 2 years of GOTM winners. Doesn't seem to be anything wrong with what you've been doing.
"If it ain't broke' Fix It Till It Is" Oh no! That's the government way.

If it ain't broke , don't fix it!

I would like to say PLEASE don't do away with the non-professional category.
I came to Warmoth after proving that I couldn't do a quality guitar finish, a couple of times.
Anyone can squirt a rattle can at a slab of well cut wood & ruin it. It takes time, patience, and a good deal of investment to have what it takes to get a finish that will compete with G,F,P or the big W.  It looks like some of you guys do it everyday. I am amazed!

I think that not having a category that showcases the guitars finished by people that don't get paid to do it would take away from what you have here.

Besides,Warmoth sells unfinished bodies. Somebodies got to fix em.

OK I'll get off my box.

I'm not any more impressed by a guitar knowing someone finished it themselves versus having Warmoth do it.
What makes a guitar any different just because someone did a nice DIY job as opposed to having a pro do it? Is anyone even going to know unless you are told it was a DIY job?
I really don't see the point in categorizing guitars that way for the GOTM poll.
line6man said:
Hbom said:
I just looked at the past 2 years of GOTM winners. Doesn't seem to be anything wrong with what you've been doing.
"If it ain't broke' Fix It Till It Is" Oh no! That's the government way.

If it ain't broke , don't fix it!

I would like to say PLEASE don't do away with the non-professional category.
I came to Warmoth after proving that I couldn't do a quality guitar finish, a couple of times.
Anyone can squirt a rattle can at a slab of well cut wood & ruin it. It takes time, patience, and a good deal of investment to have what it takes to get a finish that will compete with G,F,P or the big W.  It looks like some of you guys do it everyday. I am amazed!

I think that not having a category that showcases the guitars finished by people that don't get paid to do it would take away from what you have here.

Besides,Warmoth sells unfinished bodies. Somebodies got to fix em.

OK I'll get off my box.

I'm not any more impressed by a guitar knowing someone finished it themselves versus having Warmoth do it.
What makes a guitar any different just because someone did a nice DIY job as opposed to having a pro do it? Is anyone even going to know unless you are told it was a DIY job?
I really don't see the point in categorizing guitars that way for the GOTM poll.

OK good point.
But when it comes to build quality I can't see a difference between a 6 string or 12,But some folks want a special category for only 4!
Go Figger.
Hbom said:
OK good point.
But when it comes to build quality I can't see a difference between a 6 string or 12,But some folks want a special category for only 4!
Go Figger.

Fair point.  But a bass is fundamentally a different instrument from a guitar, even if it has 5 (or more) strings.

In any case, even though I've only submitted Gecko basses so far, I'm in favor of having only one category.  I have no problem competing against other nice looking guitars.  It's fun just to try.

IMO, having two separate categories for "owner" finished and "pro" finished does not mean much for me, and tends to be confusing.  Here's why.

We consider Tonar and other forum members to be "pro" which means they already have considerable skill and experience, but an amateur who has only done a few guitars is considered an "owner" even though the learning curve is potentially steeper and more learning is required.  What does this reward?

Conversely, we consider Warmoth-finished bodies to be "pro" finished even though the builder (assembler) doesn't need to know the first thing about sanding, sealing or spraying.  All that's required is to tell Warmoth what color it should be, and they do all the hard work.  My latest Gecko bass falls into this category.

Finally, for bodies which don't need a finish or only need a light rubbing of oil, we consider these to be "owner" finished.  This doesn't take as much work or skill as a sprayed finish.  I've done this a few times and I don't see why these should be kept separate from "pro" finished instruments.  After all, Warmoth did all the sanding work for me.

tubby.twins said:
Hbom said:
OK good point.
But when it comes to build quality I can't see a difference between a 6 string or 12,But some folks want a special category for only 4!
Go Figger.

Fair point.  But a bass is fundamentally a different instrument from a guitar, even if it has 5 (or more) strings.

In any case, even though I've only submitted Gecko basses so far, I'm in favor of having only one category.  I have no problem competing against other nice looking guitars.  It's fun just to try.

IMO, having two separate categories for "owner" finished and "pro" finished does not mean much for me, and tends to be confusing.  Here's why.

We consider Tonar and other forum members to be "pro" which means they already have considerable skill and experience, but an amateur who has only done a few guitars is considered an "owner" even though the learning curve is potentially steeper and more learning is required.  What does this reward?

Conversely, we consider Warmoth-finished bodies to be "pro" finished even though the builder (assembler) doesn't need to know the first thing about sanding, sealing or spraying.  All that's required is to tell Warmoth what color it should be, and they do all the hard work.  My latest Gecko bass falls into this category.

Finally, for bodies which don't need a finish or only need a light rubbing of oil, we consider these to be "owner" finished.  This doesn't take as much work or skill as a sprayed finish.  I've done this a few times and I don't see why these should be kept separate from "pro" finished instruments.  After all, Warmoth did all the sanding work for me.

Woah boy. Common you guys, is this really that hard to figure out? We all have a basic grasp of the english language
do we not?

Pro = Professional = you PAID someone else to do it.

Tonar is a pro because people pay him for his excellent work.

Warmoth is a pro because people pay them to spray the excellent finishes they offer.

There are 'Owner finished' and 'Pro/Warmoth' categories for two simple reasons.

1. (And this trumps all arguments...) DMRACO runs the contest and he chooses to do it that way. Probably
because its saving his sanity via the KISS principle.

2. Professionals vs. Amature's is unfair all things being equal (i.e. having a contest with both categories represented
at the same time). Professional finishes take lots of experience, time, and specialized equipment (spary guns,
compressors, usually a dedicated dust-free temperature controlled drying/curing room, etc., etc., etc.). If an amature
can pull off a finish equal to what a pro usually offers, BRAVO! But that doesn't change anything as far as point #1 goes.


I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the way it is now. I just think the separate finish categories is kind'a unnecessary, and it's kind'a splitting hairs.

I mean, who cares who finished the guitar, as long as it's a cool or good-sounding/playing guitar?  Most of us are just assemblers anyway, as we don't carve our own bodies or necks. I think if someone does their own guitar finish, they should definitely be complimented on doing so, but I don't think he/she necessarily needs to be judged in a separate category.

This is just an opinion. and I'm certainly not complaining about the way the GOTM contest is currently being run.
Street, I care, I think if it were a any guitar at all, we would be over ridden with guitars no one could compete with.
I could never do a binding job, not in my skills area, have no professional air brush skills or equipment, I would prefer to compete against my peers.
I mean would you like to go out to play a football game on Saturday if you knew the Denver Broncos were going be the other team?
Owner finished gives me a chance over offerings like Professional ones we see here.
And I do not feel like I am alone. I feel there are a lot of guys without the skills of a Luthier who would love to compete here.
Can we all just relax?  Once again...two entire pages of posts on how or how not to run this contest.  This has been debated time and time again and I thought we were finally over this.

All I can say is I am out.  

This will be the final one I run.  I will complete and run the Guitar/Bass of the Year to be fair to all the 2010 winners.

If someone else wants to pick it up and take ownership of the contest, great.  I will still remain an active member of the board as I love to get tips and ideas and see the great works of art everyone puts together.
DMRACO said:
Can we all just relax?  Once again...two entire pages of posts on how or how not to run this contest.  This has been debated time and time again and I thought we were finally over this.

All I can say is I am out.  

This will be the final one I run.  I will complete and run the Guitar/Bass of the Year to be fair to all the 2010 winners.

If someone else wants to pick it up and take ownership of the contest, great.  I will still remain an active member of the board as I love to get tips and ideas and see the great works of art everyone puts together.

I don't blame you at all for being done with this.
You do a lot of work, and everyone just argues over how it should and shouldn't be done.

I'll do it if no one else will. I've got plenty of free time.
I think DMRACO does it the exact way it should be done. The contest is completely fair and don't forget that you don't win anything from this, it's meant to put a lot of great guitars in one thread and the voting system makes it more interactive and fun. What the hell guys...
Jusatele said:
Street, I care, I think if it were a any guitar at all, we would be over ridden with guitars no one could compete with.
I could never do a binding job, not in my skills area, have no professional air brush skills or equipment, I would prefer to compete against my peers.
I mean would you like to go out to play a football game on Saturday if you knew the Denver Broncos were going be the other team?
Owner finished gives me a chance over offerings like Professional ones we see here.
And I do not feel like I am alone. I feel there are a lot of guys without the skills of a Luthier who would love to compete here.

I completely understand your point-of-view, but are we just judging guitars here by which one we think has the most dazzling finish? 
What about the style of the guitar itself, the component selection (bridges, pickups, fret-wire, wood choices, tuning machines, nuts, contours, etc..?
What about the care and precision of the final assembly?
My Soloist has a damn nice finish (those fingerprint smudges make it look less as nice), but if these guitars are gonna be judged by finish alone, there's no way I will win, because as nice as it is, it's plain (which happens to be what I like). There are no fancy graphics or themes, no fancy airbrush work.  Is a fancy flame or figured maple top always going to automatically beat my plain alder with see-thru paint finish?  I'm just using my guitar as an example -- I'm not saying my guitar deserves to win this month's contest.  I'm just saying that personally, I look at more than just the paint-job when voting in these GOTM contests. I hope everyone else will too.

By the way, I don't see even ONE guitar here that is not cool. Not one hack-job POS. They're ALL great.

i'd like to remind everybody that this contest means absolutely nothing. if you're ordering your parts and carefully picking them out thinking "man, i hope this wins the contest next month," then you're assembling guitars for the completely wrong reason. plain top, flame top, crazy quilt, exotic neck, maple neck, or fender logo applied. it shouldn't matter what everybody else thinks or what anybody else wants to vote for. post it up if you want to show it off. vote if you feel inspired by anything. but really, this discussion comes up every single month.
Is all this because I asked for a clarification of the rules?
Sheesh, I simply wanted to know this months guidelines, to obey them, I had nothing against them.
Wow I am sooooooooooooo sorry I opened a can of worms by asking if Warmoth/Pro meant just Warmoth or any Professional finish.
Guess I should keep my mouth shut.
Jusatele said:
Is all this because I asked for a clarification of the rules?
Sheesh, I simply wanted to know this months guidelines, to obey them, I had nothing against them.
Wow I am sooooooooooooo sorry I opened a can of worms by asking if Warmoth/Pro meant just Warmoth or any Professional finish.
Guess I should keep my mouth shut.

I don't think this is about your comment at all.  This is more about how every month there is people belly-ache about how unfair the rules are and how we should add this or that. 

Guys: There is nothing wrong with the way this vote is now, and like someone pointed out a minute ago, IT MEANS NOTHING.  It's just a fun way to enjoy some great guitar builds, that's all.

Sorry you're upset, Dmraco.  I would be too.
Jusatele said:
Is all this because I asked for a clarification of the rules?
Sheesh, I simply wanted to know this months guidelines, to obey them, I had nothing against them.
Wow I am sooooooooooooo sorry I opened a can of worms by asking if Warmoth/Pro meant just Warmoth or any Professional finish.
Guess I should keep my mouth shut.

Yeah, like Jalane said, this probably isn't about your comment, but rather, the fact that we go through this every month.
nexrex said:
Yeah, ultimately I am happy with it the way it is. Please keep doing it DMARCO.   :sad:

+1, I think everything is fine as is.
The downside is that if you don't continue with this, we're probably going to be stuck with Orc's strat as a banner for ever.
DM's strat is just awesome, but If I had to vote for the guitar that I would want it would be Marcos Tele.  And Super Turbo Deluxe Custom's should be July's GOTM every year by default.  All the guitar's this month are exceptional. :rock-on:  We appreciate all your effort DMRACO, it's just too bad about all the arguing.
If it is not too late to enter...

Warmoth Finish VIP body (Mahogany with DL Quilt Maple lam top)
Tonar hand rubbed oil finish Soulmate neck (Curly maple with Wenge stripes)
Gotoh 510 Bridge
SD P-Rails Pickups
Custom DangerousR6 neck plate
As for the rules, I think DMRACO does a great job and I hope that the contest continues with the simplicity DBU summarized back when:

Death by Uberschall said:
Here's your rules, simple:

Warmoth/Pro finish must have either a Warmoth body or Warmoth neck as a bare minimum to qualify. And the Warmoth part/s finish is done by Warmoth or another shop.
Owner/Home finish must have either a Warmoth body or Warmoth neck as a bare minimum to qualify. And the Warmoth part/s finish is done by you.

Seems pretty simple to me.  :icon_thumright: