
December GOTM...winner

who should win

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these contests are getting really tough. i agree with merging the two categories into one. obviously the winner shouldn't be reentered. i like the idea of being able to vote for two different instruments, too. especially with as tough as these are getting! the instrument with the more votes would still obviously get the win, but the contest might be a bit more interesting. just a thought.
JaySwear said:
these contests are getting really tough. i agree with merging the two categories into one. obviously the winner shouldn't be reentered. i like the idea of being able to vote for two different instruments, too. especially with as tough as these are getting! the instrument with the more votes would still obviously get the win, but the contest might be a bit more interesting. just a thought.

That would make it very manual for dmraco, but I would love to be able to submit a top 3...
I really believe that as long as the guitar or bass has at least a Warmoth body or neck, it should be included in every GOTM contest (previous winners excluded), regardless of who did the finish work.

I also think that there should be separate guitar and bass categories so that there can be both a GOTM and a BOTM each month.

I mean, I'd like to vote for that Gecko, but I don't want to exclude at least one of the guitars this month.
That all sounds great, but very challenging to administer.  It'd be really intriguing to be able to vote for a top 3 and then assign different pt. values for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place votes, as well as have a separate vote each month for guitars vs. basses.  The problem is that someone's got to tally those votes, and i'm not sure the UW site technology would support tiered voting like that (though it might).  Also, basses could get their own category, but a lot of the time there is only one or two basses entered each month, sometimes none.  I think both of those ideas would be a lot of fun, but it also seems like it would really complicate what is probably already a time-consuming process for Dmraco. 

Just my $.02

BTW: EVERY guitar entered this month so far is sick.  GOTM FTW
Everyother month is fine, besides we've already been through this.  The winners of each month still go into the guitar of the year poll, so owner vs. Warmoth/Pro is still represented.  Everthing is getting represented, so what's the problem?
Biggus Pickus said:
I like the idea of a separate GOTM and BOTM. There's enough room, on my screen anyway, for 2 banners.

There aren't that many basses on here to begin with.  Plus, the basses seem to hold their own in the GOTM contest.  We've had 2 winners that were basses.
Everyone ends up arguing the rules every month, lol! :blob7:

What would you guys think about alternating guitars and basses of the month?
For one month, any guitar with Warmoth parts is good for the contest. The next month, any bass with Warmoth parts is good for the contest.
At the end of the year, we just put everything together and let people vote for what they like.
line6man said:
Everyone ends up arguing the rules every month, lol! :blob7:

What would you guys think about alternating guitars and basses of the month?
For one month, any guitar with Warmoth parts is good for the contest. The next month, any bass with Warmoth parts is good for the contest.
At the end of the year, we just put everything together and let people vote for what they like.

jalane said:
Also, basses could get their own category, but a lot of the time there is only one or two basses entered each month, sometimes none. 

line6man said:
Everyone ends up arguing the rules every month, lol! :blob7:

It's a product of the frustration of having to pick from so many winners. I don't think I've ever seen a guitar on this forum that if I saw in a store display, I wouldn't do a double-take on. So, the natural inclination is to figure out a way to make it easier.

line6man said:
What would you guys think about alternating guitars and basses of the month?
For one month, any guitar with Warmoth parts is good for the contest. The next month, any bass with Warmoth parts is good for the contest.
At the end of the year, we just put everything together and let people vote for what they like.

I think it would just make the problem worse. If it's tough to decide on a guitar now, how is spreading a year's worth of entries over 6 contests vs. 12 going to improve anything? We're only vying for roughly 100 votes as it is. Get too many entries in at once, and you could end up in first place with only 5 votes.
line6man said:
Everyone ends up arguing the rules every month, lol! :blob7:
I was not arguing, I was just wanting a clarification. I was wondering what the /PRO meant, and now I know it means a axe that has either a Warmoth or another professional, I at first thought it meant a professional Warmoth Finish.

We do not yet get enough entries to devide up into bass, guitar,sitar, harp catagories. we get what 6 to 7 entries a month. I think we can double that number before we divide it up, just my 2 cents.

I still think we are getting so many good builds now that it is hard to pick, some can win on the finis, others on the features, and others on the theme. it gets better each month
I'm not saying we need categories for best 7 string, 12 string, fretless, and harp guitar of the month. But I don't think it's splitting hairs too much to have a separate category for bass. Actually, as a guitar player, I'm all for getting those Gecko's and exotic fretless basses out of my play pool so I stand a chance.' Exotic guitars are cool, and everyone loves cherry sunburst flamed maple, but quite frankly I don't think the exotic guitar niche can hold a candle to some of the basses I've seen.
MOTM - mandolin of the month, but seriously I don't think we need more categories.  Bass or electrics they are all warmoth guitars

It would be nice if the rule could be just Warmoth body and Neck. I personally don't care who did the paint.
Disco Scottie said:
Any chance of adding a banjo category?

I don't know if you're serious or joking, but I actually like the banjo, even though I don't know how to play one.
I don't think Warmoth makes banjo bodies & necks though.

I DID play a banjo that was at Guitar Center a few years ago that had 6 strings and a standard guitar tuning. That was really cool because it the the first time I ever
(and was ever able to) played a banjo.
I just looked at the past 2 years of GOTM winners. Doesn't seem to be anything wrong with what you've been doing.
"If it ain't broke' Fix It Till It Is" Oh no! That's the government way.

If it ain't broke , don't fix it!

I would like to say PLEASE don't do away with the non-professional category.
I came to Warmoth after proving that I couldn't do a quality guitar finish, a couple of times.
Anyone can squirt a rattle can at a slab of well cut wood & ruin it. It takes time, patience, and a good deal of investment to have what it takes to get a finish that will compete with G,F,P or the big W.  It looks like some of you guys do it everyday. I am amazed!

I think that not having a category that showcases the guitars finished by people that don't get paid to do it would take away from what you have here.

Besides,Warmoth sells unfinished bodies. Somebodies got to fix em.

OK I'll get off my box.