
December GOTM...winner

who should win

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There's three so far that could be hands down winners were they not up against each other. This will be hard, but I think I know which way I'm going.
mullyman said:
I don't see how anything can beat that Iron Maiden strat. Unless I submit my white one again. hehe!! Good luck, everyone. This month is going to be a tough one. I'm going to hold off on my decision though until all are in.
I couldn't, in good conscience, vote for your white strat again now that I know that the E in Made In USA on the headstock is slightly off kilter. :P
I couldn't, in good conscience, vote for your white strat again now that I know that the E in Made In USA on the headstock is slightly off kilter
My books are mostly packed up, but in Jerry Kuhnhausen's Mauser rifle book, there is a photo in the section on counterfeits that says:

"M A DE IN nSA" (The N being an upside down capital U
Street Avenger said:
exaN said:
Entering my fiesta red Strat again :icon_biggrin:


That looks like the EJ Strat. Is that what it's modeled after?

Naah I just like fiesta red :D

I think my vote is going to go for that green bass, looks killer :glasses9:.
Orchrist, I read your very detailed and thoughtful post on the Fender forum about what went into the Murray strat. I love that passion and effort to realize a dream concept. Cheers to you. I'm not typically into anything that has a decal look or part but when I learned the story, it was all over, you'll have my vote. And I thought Boner Face had it because I love Walnut, but a good WWII story with a maple neck trumps.
Man these are great looking guitars.  Hmmm, such a hard decision.  Either Aces or Gecko at the moment though I think.
I wonder, are these supose to be Warmoth finished guitars? I thought that was this months? Is Aces a Warmoth finished guitar?
OK, so the /PRO means you can have a professional do a paint Job

I just wanted that cleared up, I mean that is one killer paint job, I just wanted to be sure.
i know we've had a couple "other" classified finishes in the Pro GOTM contest... i think anything finished by Tonar is pro, and i know there have been others but i can't think of any specific ones at the moment.
I honestly think its about time we merged them. The members on this board have never really put out anything that isn't spectacular. There are TONS of guitars that I would have trouble distinguishing their owner finished finish vs. professional quality. Just my two cents.
rapfohl09 said:
I honestly think its about time we merged them. The members on this board have never really put out anything that isn't spectacular. There are TONS of guitars that I would have trouble distinguishing their owner finished finish vs. professional quality. Just my two cents.

I was never a fan of the owner/pro categories. Personally, I think it should just be any guitar with Warmoth parts each month. :dontknow:
line6man said:
rapfohl09 said:
I honestly think its about time we merged them. The members on this board have never really put out anything that isn't spectacular. There are TONS of guitars that I would have trouble distinguishing their owner finished finish vs. professional quality. Just my two cents.

I was never a fan of the owner/pro categories. Personally, I think it should just be any guitar with Warmoth parts each month. :dontknow:

I think it would leave out too many great guitars.
exaN said:
line6man said:
rapfohl09 said:
I honestly think its about time we merged them. The members on this board have never really put out anything that isn't spectacular. There are TONS of guitars that I would have trouble distinguishing their owner finished finish vs. professional quality. Just my two cents.

I was never a fan of the owner/pro categories. Personally, I think it should just be any guitar with Warmoth parts each month. :dontknow:

I think it would leave out too many great guitars.

How would that exclude anything? Any Warmoth guitar would be open to any month.
I'm with joey on this one!

Who cares where or how it was finished, if its made with warmoth parts its a warmoth and should be included IMHO