
death by uberschall Check your mail

Sorry gang.  Big Bob has info regarding DBU's stolen property and was trying to get in touch with him.  He had not been able to reach DBU directly.

The thread was not meant to leave anyone out.  Thanks.
Cagey said:
Hehe! Yeah. I feel like I should create an "important link", and only give it to Max. Perhaps something pornographic

Good thing you've waited until he was a legal adult.  :blob7:
line6man said:
Cagey said:
Hehe! Yeah. I feel like I should create an "important link", and only give it to Max. Perhaps something pornographic

Good thing you've waited until he was a legal adult.  :blob7:
For any other lurkers turning 18 soon, or just turned 18... ASK THE AGE. "Looks 16" Doesn't mean "Is 16."
Wyliee said:
Sorry gang.  Big Bob has info regarding DBU's stolen property and was trying to get in touch with him.  He had not been able to reach DBU directly.

The thread was not meant to leave anyone out.  Thanks.

That is awesome!  I hope he gets some of his stuff back.
hannaugh said:
Wyliee said:
Sorry gang.  Big Bob has info regarding DBU's stolen property and was trying to get in touch with him.  He had not been able to reach DBU directly.

The thread was not meant to leave anyone out.  Thanks.

That is awesome!  I hope he gets some of his stuff back.

+1, I hope it was good news! Would love to see him get his stuff back!  :icon_thumright:
The Central Scrutinizer said:
Hello, I brought a happy meal!

Marko, I'm totally disappointed in you. You went and wasted all that money on a crappy hamburger to get a two-cent toy? :tard:

I told you about this before. You can order those toys from a sweatshop in China for much cheaper! Of course, they will make you buy them in bulk, a billion at a time, but all you have to do is stand outside a McDonalds and sell the toys to all the parents who are only buying their kids Happy Meals for the toys. If that doesn't work, you can lure children into your van and tell them they can have a toy if they fetch you their parents' credit card.
line6man said:
If that doesn't work, you can lure children into your van and tell them they can have a toy if they fetch you their parents' credit card.

This is definitely a winning move.  :laughing7:
If this keeps up DBU might just have to get rid of those ugly Warmoths to make room. I could probably keep one over here if he needs me to :dontknow:
Here's to you DBU for getting your stuff back, hopefully in decent shape. Man what an ordeal you went through.
Well, it looks like I'm getting my Heritage VIP 1 back.

Long story short, the gentleman who now has it in his posession contacted me through another forum I belong to, letting me know he believes he has my guitar which he purchased through a local pawn shop. So the wheels are in motion.  :occasion14:
Good for you! I'm glad to hear that!

I'd be even happier to hear that the ass holes who stole the stuff got their knees, elbows, fingers and teeth accidentally smashed into dust.