dbw said:Cool. Was it brush-on or spray lacquer? Any reason you didn't use poly, other than you had the lacquer already?
it was spray on and the only factor to use that was I had it.
dbw said:Cool. Was it brush-on or spray lacquer? Any reason you didn't use poly, other than you had the lacquer already?
:icon_thumright:....gotcha...ocguy106 said:I had it completly set up and it was tits but being a new neck and all it settled and I had a couple of dead spots so I took it back and told the guy I was in no hurry to get it back so he adjusted it and plays a round with it for a few days to make sure it is all settled in. I will be picking it up on thursday. I figured I didn't need it until July anyway and I want it to be as perfect as possible. I would like for him to pull it out of the case and feel like a favorite pair of shoes. I am also letting the laquer have time to fully gas out. 24 hours after I was done with it, it felt very hard so I wraped it up loosely in a cloth to protect it. about an hour later I unwraped it and it had the pattern of the cloth embedded in it even though it wasn't even wrapped tight. I wet sanded it and hit it again and all was well. I will have pics up by friday.
ocguy106 said:Well after travling all over the place... Guyana, Alaska, Philly, Arizona and just got back from Vegas I was finally able to put the finishing touches on my dad's guitar. It is completly set up and ready to go. It plays looks and sounds better then I could have hoped for. And just for you Doug new pics with your killer plate on it.
DocNrock said:Very cool guitar! I'm assuming 07151952 is your Dad's birthdate. To someone who plays, getting a custom guitar for a birthday would have to go down as one of the coolest gifts there could be. And nice job on the plate, Doug.
Good observation Nathan.......Hahahaha, I made a funny...nathan a said:Wow great matching between the neck and body! He's gonna love this so much...
ocguy106 said:only 1 month to go...July 12th is when he gets it and I will be posting a video for all that have followed this thread.
Thanks to all for the help on building this. I was worried at first I would end up with a 2k dollar pile of crap but in the end this thing exceeded all my expectations in playabilty and sound. As a matter of fact we just went out and gigged this past weekend and my dad played his strat and then played a set with my 74 SG. The differnet scale lenght threw him off a bit and so he went back to the strat... He loved the tone so much of the SG though that he made the comment he wished he had a strat with humbuckers that sounded like an SG....I think he is gonna die over this one.
Orpheo said:i couldn't find it, but what is the wiring? 2xvol 2x tone?
ocguy106 said:Orpheo said:i couldn't find it, but what is the wiring? 2xvol 2x tone?
I was absolutly going for the SG sound and vibe. This fit the bill 100%. The hollow body gave it a very warm full round tone. I LOVE IT. as for the wiring it is straight forward LP/SG 3 way wiring. I wanted to stick with the Strat style "look" so I went with 3 knobs....2 volumn and one concentric pot for 2 tone. I really can't rave enough about the tone of this thing. once I give it to my dad I will be posting sound clips.
Orpheo being that you are into LP's you shuld look into Skatterbrane pick-ups...these things are awesome they have sound clips on there web site.