Maybe I should root the Warmoth server.
# su - ken
ken@warmoth:~$ mail gregg -s "Freebies for dbw"
Hi Gregg. Please send dbw all the bodies and necks in the showcase ASAP. And put it on my tab.
Ken Warmoth
ken@warmoth:~$ exit
# echo "VICTORY IS MINE! :headbang1: :headbang1: :headbang1:" > /etc/motd
# exit # tee hee!
# su - ken
ken@warmoth:~$ mail gregg -s "Freebies for dbw"
Hi Gregg. Please send dbw all the bodies and necks in the showcase ASAP. And put it on my tab.
Ken Warmoth
ken@warmoth:~$ exit
# echo "VICTORY IS MINE! :headbang1: :headbang1: :headbang1:" > /etc/motd
# exit # tee hee!