
Custom Headstock Q

TBurst Std said:
Exactly where I am going with this. I sent W an email yesterday on it.

Let us know what you find out. I'm interested in this, too.
27 hours later, no response. I actually called yesterday before sending the email. The person that was needed was at lunch, so they asked me to send an email.

I will keep everyone updated.

Bascially I am trying to get a 3x3 headstock on an exotic wood neck (preferrably Pau Ferro) with a straight string pull.
If they can't do this, I will default to a Bubinga/M Ebony tilted paddle head.

You guys have got me thinking stupid things like to cut out my own style. (I don;t have a drill press, band saw, drum sander or a band sander).
I was just going to make a style, put it in a pdf and mail it to them with the additional $45+.

I asked Ken 3 times to do it, and I got a decline, 3 times. perhaps you should email doug darling/ soulmateguitars.com for a pau ferro neck like that. he is very flexible with neat pricing too.
Actually within minutes of my post, I got a response, but they miss-understood that I was looking for a tiltback. I called and talked to Matt. He put me on hold to check. They can not do a Pau Ferro straight paddle as they do not tend to have Pau Ferro that wide. An option we could look at is me going ahead and designing the headstock, and send them the dwg and dimensions. They could look to see then if they had a Pau Ferro piece wide enough for it.

I may be back to Bubinga/M Ebony.
You should go bo diddley! Only headstock style.

Keep in mind that a straight  W headstock will not have straight string pulls.  I think it you could incorporate elements of the W design, but the X spacing of your tuners and hence the sides of the headstock at the tuners will need to be straight.

The end flourish and maybe the curve at the nut end could be preserved. Itd be a bit skinny but I think it could still look nice.
Update, can;t do Ziricote either in a tiltback. Waiting on a quote for a straight paddle Ziricote/Ziricote.