
Custom GD Gold Top

GoDrex said:
ah ye of little faith - trust in GODrex hehehehe ;) :laughing7:
Don't get me wrong I like green guitars, but that color combo on a explorer just aint my bag. Reminds me of a 1950's diner furniture.... :laughing11:
"Swedish-made Penis Enlargers And Me: This Sort of Thing Is My Bag Baby", by Austin Powers hahahah  :laughing7:
hehehe lose the maple neck and the pirate stuff and I could be down with that  :headbang:
I like maple - my strat has a maple neck... and pirates are ok, but I like plain necks and will continue to get them that way from Warmoth. Some day I'll probably replace my strat neck with a Warmoth maple with no dots. I'm in a war against inlays hehehe ;)
GoDrex said:
I like maple - my strat has a maple neck... and pirates are ok, but I like plain necks and will continue to get them that way from Warmoth. Some day I'll probably replace my strat neck with a Warmoth maple with no dots. I'm in a war against inlays hehehe ;)

......Yeh I thought about a inlay free neck too, looks cool with the right wood..... :party07:
Now imagine that green with some really nice swamp ash under it - - damn that's going to be sweet :hello2:

like this one:


or - do a green burst... that's my only dilemma right now about it.
OK - so I've been kind of back and forth about this guitar and the SD Custom bridge pickup especially. At first I didn't like it, then I did, then I didn't etc. etc. I've moved it up, backed it down and wasn't entirely happy as of last night. I even placed an eBay bid on a nickel covered JB.

Today I decided to bring my amp out on our deck and play a little bit. I got the volume up around 5 (any more and I would have been worried about the cops showing up) and damn it sounded sweet. I've never heard any guitar I've had sound that good. I think the combo of having the amp loud (which owners of my type of amp say is when they really wake up) and not being inside a small room really made a huge difference. I still can't tell if the chambering makes any difference, but damn it sounded good. I wish I had a way to test it but I doubt that can ever happen.

Anyway now I'm back to thinking the SD Custom sounds great again. I'm worried I'll win the JB now hahaha. I was planning to sell the Custom is the JB made me happy but now I don't know what I'll do if I win.

Damn - I need to play loud outside more often. Made me want to get a band going. I wish I knew a drummer around here.
Damn it - I won the damn JB. I was hoping someone would out bid me but now it's mine. I'm not sure if I'll swap it or not. The Custom is really growing on me. I may just hold on to the JB it for the Explorer. Not sure... damn. I think I'm going to have to hear it in the LP just to see.

so now I've got sitting around - my old black JB with a really short wire, an SD Invader bridge, a single conductor '59 neck, a BLUSA L-900 - and now the nickel JB on the way...

I think I'm going to put the Invader and the L-900 in my Parker. Maybe the nickel JB and 59 can go in the Explorer... that leaves me with the old JB. Hate to see it go to waste...
hehehe yeah you would think so right? Nah, I think once I do that Explorer I'm done with guitars. If it works out well, like it should, I'll be very satisfied.

I've heard so many people say the Invader sucks, so if I don't like it the JB will go in it's place... and then I'll unload the Invader somehow...
GoDrex said:
ok guys - my paypal account is HERE  hahahaha ;)

Seriously, I do have a body on order to use up a bunch of spare parts I have lying around, including a neck that was supposed to go on another build that never happened.  All I needed to order was the body, a battery box, and knobs.
I've decided that I don't need any more guitars. I'd like a bass actually, but I have one in mind already. Won't be building one since I want a short scale and building a Warmoth is too expensive.

I've got my LP for tons of tones, then my strat for strat sounds and  - my Parker is going to do the crunch and shred the LP doesn't do, and then the explorer will have a FR for the insane stuff. I can't think of anything else I need sound wise.

I did kind of want an SG, but that's another grand at least so... and that would be a kind of redundant guitar IMO
GoDrex said:
and that would be a kind of redundant guitar IMO

If you're planning to come back playing alive you'd better have a redundant guitar for each one you have  :icon_biggrin:
never knows what can happens on a stage and the need to change the guitar....
Nah I'm not planning on playing out, but when I did I had one guitar and never had trouble. I feel like you're really only going to have problems with guitars with trem bridges. A guitar with a TOM is not going to have problems. Sure you could drop it and break it, but I think 4 guitars should be enough to get through any gig I could possibly be involved in. Anyway I'm thinking more about recording needs and perhaps some jamming (though I have a hard time finding anyone to play with because of my insane violent temper hahaha ;)

But yeah the redundant guitar idea is wise of course. Like I posted above, donations are welcome. ;)
GoDrex said:
hehehe yeah you would think so right? Nah, I think once I do that Explorer I'm done with guitars. If it works out well, like it should, I'll be very satisfied.

I've heard so many people say the Invader sucks, so if I don't like it the JB will go in it's place... and then I'll unload the Invader somehow...
I've got a SD Invader, I think it's badass I love it. Especially in drop D it's really Chunky chips Ahoy.  Turn the treble and the mid's up and the low's down to about 4-5..And the gains all the way up... :icon_thumright: