
Control layout options beyond "standard" Strat for rear rout models

Johnfv said:
There was a pretty lengthy discussion in this very thread about how best to ensure you don't tear out the hole when drilling for pots. I've never had a problem with small holes like pickguards, tuners, etc. but I'd be nervous about taking a big chunk out of a $600 flame top.

Warmoth doesn't have any $600 flamed anything tops.

In any case, even if you do get a tearout, if you were drilling carefully, it would be minor enough that it would be hidden by the pots anyways. You have to really fudge up to get something you would actually notice when the guitar is assembled.
line6man said:
...Warmoth doesn't have any $600 flamed anything tops...
Sorry I was not specific enough, I was talking about the $600+ flame top BODIES that I have bought. With a finish, a few options and unique choice top you can get to $800+ easily for a body alone.  Again, the "drill it yourself" message has been said and heard many times....
Needs a Turbo Deluxe Floyd said:
There were several $995 showcase LP bodies with maple tops that come to mind too.  Granted, most were 1 piece tops or bodies.
Sweet! Let me at that $995 body - I bet me, my hand drill and some crap drill bits could do some impressive tear outs!  :laughing7:
You'd think for $995 they'd come with tearouts. Shouldn't have to make 'em yourself.
You'd think Stew-Mac could come up with a $600 control-hole laser. Slackers. Ooooh - market need! quick...
StubHead said:
You'd think Stew-Mac could come up with a $600 control-hole laser. Slackers. Ooooh - market need! quick...

Suggest it to them! Those guys will make a lazy ass tool for anything, and then sell it at an absurd price. :blob7: