
Closest to American Pro profile?


Hi. First post, thank you for having me.

Need a new neck for my '98 American Deluxe strat. I really like the neck on my 2018 American Pro, so I'm looking for the closest thing I can get to that. What would that be? I've only ever tried one Warmouth neck, which was a Standard Thin and was too thin for me.

I was wondering about getting a D and shaving it down a bit. But that's risky if you don't know how far from the surface the truss rod sits.

Also could use your perspective on vintage Vs vintage modern Vs modern.

Many thanks.
The Am Pro profile is just a thicker C the closest W profile would be the SRV or 59 Round back. I am not sure what you mean by modern V as most V necks are similar to the 57 V which is the Clapton profile from warmoth. I cant stand them I am a thin Charvel C guy through and through.