Cheapest P Bass pickups

Nando Vallart

Epic Member
Hello guys!
I've talked with my cousin about build a bass in the cheapest way for her...
Said about woods wouldn't be expensive and could get good stuff, but hardware and pickups can't be get really cheap for a brazilian student girl... So, I would like to know what would you guys suggest for P Bass as pickups, something a little less than "stinks as a dead fish"...

My ideas:

My idea is build something with nice woods and "solid" construction and cheap hardware and cheapest pickups, this can be changed later...

If by any chance your interested, i have a P-bass pickup from an old Austin bass that i would sell you for $10 shipped.
line6man said:
If by any chance your interested, i have a P-bass pickup from an old Austin bass that i would sell you for $10 shipped.

$10 shipped... to Brazil?  Wow, you ARE generous!  :eek:
I also have an old PBass pickup set from a Japanese PBass type thing. For Fernando I'd pay to send them to him just to see what he'd do with them  :icon_thumright:
dbw said:
line6man said:
If by any chance your interested, i have a P-bass pickup from an old Austin bass that i would sell you for $10 shipped.

$10 shipped... to Brazil?  Wow, you ARE generous!   :eek:

Nevermind then.
If anyone in the US wants the pickup, $10 shipped...
mayfly said:
I also have an old PBass pickup set from a Japanese PBass type thing. For Fernando I'd pay to send them to him just to see what he'd do with them  :icon_thumright:
If I had a spare I'd do the same thing.  It's such a shame that someone with that much passion has to pay out so much.  :sad:

Well, it's not sure yet I'll build, she has to figure if she'll efford buying some things as hardware and things alike... But I think this will come alive, but not too soon, as the guitar I'm building for a friend, I've to go São Paulo to work with it and I'm able do to that full day only 2 or 3 days at month, so... probably the bass will be done only in 4 or 5 months... Let's see!