
Chat Function on UW


Hero Member
I know that a few of us have had the chance to talk to one another on places other than the guitar board (Facebook, AIM, etc.). I've seen on a few discussion boards that there has been a live chat function availible for registerd members, and I think that this could be a fun thing to do on the UW discussion board, whether its a "come and go as your please" chat area, or a scheduled chat area. Personally, I think it'd be cool to get a representative from the company, or even get Ken himself to be part of a scheduled chat to discuss ideas, as well as to express our appreciation that we have for his company.
As long as there is a way to block chat at certain times, then I am all for it. I do login sometimes when I am at work, and would hate to have someone opening chat windows then.
nexrex said:
As long as there is a way to block chat at certain times, then I am all for it. I do login sometimes when I am at work, and would hate to have to tell someone opening chat windows then.

agreed. i like facebook chat because you can sign offline. if it didn't have that feature i wouldn't be a big fan, but if it did i'd love it
I run a IRC channel if anyone cares to chat

Max and Vic and a few others get out there sometimes


"the Madoodah room"
=CB= said:
I run a IRC channel if anyone cares to chat

Max and Vic and a few others get out there sometimes


"the Madoodah room"
For the record, the only person I ever see in there is an old fart  :laughing7:
=CB= said:
For the record, remember the old fart supported your Boy Scout fund drive.....

Yup, met up Max and Agwan there last night...
=CB= had already gone to get some rest by the time I got there.
yep :icon_biggrin: i was on for a second. i'll be back on in a few hours, but i'm kind of running around to get stuff done before my headache kicks in this evening. late summer colds are the worst.