
Chameleon finishes


Master Member
Hey, remember those chameleon finish bodies that were in stock a while back?  Make some more of those.  Better yet, make a couple of those finishes something you can order!  They were cool. 
I'd like to see some finishes like the old carvin Harlequin finishes... :headbang1:
Many years ago, I had a Kramer USA Stagemaster.  I got it for a steal because it was darkish pink and the guitar shop had it forever and they just wanted to move it.  The price was marked down to $900 from $1475, and I took it home after offering $800.  It played and sounded awesome.  Easily one of the best guitars I've ever owned.  But the pink finish was awesome under stage lighting.  Depending upon the angle, it was pink, or blue, or purple.  That is the only reason I tolerated a "pink" guitar.

I agree, it would be awesome if Warmoth could routinely offer such finishes on a guitar.  Something really cool would be a paint job like a friend of mine did on his Nissan GT-R.  It is midnight purple, but from differnt angles you can see black, bronze, and purple.  I can only imagine what a guitar painted like this would look like under stage lighting.  :icon_thumright:
I like these finishes, hope we can see some of these in the very near future.
I want a Jaguar that looks like a candy black finish, but turns blue, purple, and green under certain lighting conditions. 