
Burl Mooncaster Bass

New arrival!  I have no second thoughts about getting this one!  It's fabulous!


Quick and dirty poll.  I like the way the body and neck look together.  What do you think?  Seriously, there are other things I can do, if it's too much neck for the body (throws off the balance, simpler being better, or just to, um... brown?) please say something.  I'm considering swapping body/neck pairings...


The neck looks good on there. With all the doodads, that bass will really pop.
I'm thinking that neck works wonderfully with that body! What is it about the combo is giving you second thoughts?
I don't know, too vibrant?  Too stripy?  Too complex?  Don't get me wrong, as much as the pictures look good, it looks great in the flesh.  I'm just wondering if it is the correct mating, so to speak.
ghotiphry said:
I don't know, too vibrant?  Too stripy?  Too complex?  Don't get me wrong, as much as the pictures look good, it looks great in the flesh.  I'm just wondering if it is the correct mating, so to speak.
Oh, well. Just spray it tan... :laughing11: :toothy10: :laughing7:

Seriously, though. Although a beautiful neck, it might be a bit strong in the grain. It's kind of hard to tell without the tuners and hardware in it. Those will pull some of your attention off the body and neck. Time for a mock up with the photo you posted?
Thanks guys.  Okay, quick and very dirty mockup.  Be brutally honest please.  (Tan? Really?)

Tough call.  Black matches anything, while many shades of brown may be off. I'd stick with the Ebony. It's beautiful as is, which won't change.
ghotiphry said:
Thanks guys.  Okay, quick and very dirty mockup.  Be brutally honest please.  (Tan? Really?)

Now, that is nice! It would look good with chrome fixtures, too.

Tan, well... I was, as my father would have said, just talking though my hat. :icon_biggrin:
That's such a nice piece of wood. It really looks good, especially with those black tuners.
Ok this one is getting closer to... starting.  Seriously, every once in a while, I open it up and take a look at it.  I don't know what my issue is.  I can't drill into the top.  Weird.

It looks like W has modified the way they do the control cavity.  This is great, looks like I don't need to pull out the files to get the long shaft pots installed!  Note the indentation under the tab for the cover.


I also have a question.  They've also changed the switch rout.  Note the thinning of the top around the hold for the 3-way switch.  I'm assuming this means I will be able to use a standard instead of a long thread switch.  I want to go with a black switch, but unfortunately I don't believe Switchcraft makes one in black.  Gotoh makes one in black chrome.  But I believe the threads for the Gotoh 3-way are metric.  That's also unfortunate because the tip I want to use has Imperial threads.  Here's my question, is there, somewhere, a switch in black chrome that uses the standard Switchcraft threading?  That's of good quality?

Looks like i stumped the crowd!  I just went with a short chrome switchcraft from stewmac.  Needed some pots and shielded wire anyway.