
Blues Jam Question


Hero Member
I've now got a new soundcard & re-installed my recording & amp modulator programs.

Before I cut my solo, I want to be clear as to what to do so I don't step on anyone else's solos.

I have a copy of the MP# with someone soloing in their alloted space. Mully is #1 & I was #2, so should I leave 24 bars for Mully & do the 2nd set or 24 bars so it's in sequence?

well I was handling all of that - but someone else seems to have taken over the mixing... though I'm not sure - they never replied to me.

what I was doing was letting people record their part anywhere they like and then posting their mixed version AND their bare guitar track. I was then taking the bare track and putting it next in line. We scraped the idea of having a list of people and an order. It's just first come first served now.

so go ahead and read the other thread and record something and post it there.... someone will handle it I guess hahaha :laughing7:
GoDrex said:
well I was handling all of that - but someone else seems to have taken over the mixing... though I'm not sure - they never replied to me.

what I was doing was letting people record their part anywhere they like and then posting their mixed version AND their bare guitar track. I was then taking the bare track and putting it next in line. We scraped the idea of having a list of people and an order. It's just first come first served now.

so go ahead and read the other thread and record something and post it there.... someone will handle it I guess hahaha :laughing7:

You took over this when it was Mully's project, if you remember.
'someone else'  'never replied' because I'm not on here every minute.
Carry on doing your mixing. I'll even take mine down if it upsets you so much.

I'm confused now. Should I just do my solo on the 1st 24 bars & leave it to someone else to splice it all together?

Won't it sound odd if all the solos are done on random spots & then cut & pasted together?
I dunno what the drama's about, but please keep it going.  This jam made my frustrating afternoon better.  <3 all you guys.

there's no drama - - I just thought if djf67 wanted to do the mixing. I didn't feel like doing it if he was going to do it at the same time. If he feels like doing it then he can do it. I just didn't want to bother with it if someone else was going to do it instead. I have no problem letting someone else do it if they want to.

Yes I did take over the jam - only because after the list was made 9 days ago no one was doing anything. So I recorded a part to start off since it seemed like no one was going to do anything. Then I had the idea to scrap the list because we'd have been waiting 10 days before anyone went (which is not a put down on anyone, just a fact) and proposed the idea of first come first served. Mully liked the idea.

The backing track basically just repeats the same thing over and over, so it doesn't really matter where you record your guitar part - as long as you're in time with the music and play for 24 bars. I can match up the timing and put your guitar track next in line. I was hoping we'd get more than 6 people and we could just extend the backing track for as long as we needed.
I enjoyed it, I'm really liking the idea. We should do more, perhaps they could be stickied to keep them going ?.
I didn't have any problem taking the existing mix and adding mine onto the end, if we all did that it won't have to fall to one person to look after it. And Audacity is free after all :-)
Panthur said:
I enjoyed it, I'm really liking the idea. We should do more, perhaps they could be stickied to keep them going ?.
I didn't have any problem taking the existing mix and adding mine onto the end, if we all did that it won't have to fall to one person to look after it. And Audacity is free after all :-)

well I wanted to do it this way so the mp3 file isn't encoded over and over each time someone new does their part - - so when it's finally over we'll have a file with decent sound quality.

I think it would be cool if we could get about 12 different people involved
You guys can fight it out as to who does the mixing. I'm cool whichever way you guys decide on.

A few days left here. We haven't had anyone jump in over the last 5 or 6 days now so let's bring it to close. I know I said the 15th before but that's a Tuesday. How about this, anyone that wants to join in feel free. Deadline for entries will be next Sunday, one week from today, June 20, 2010.

Sound good to you guys?
I'll be done in a couple of days. Just trying to get a good tone out of the Amplitube amp modulator thingy in my recording software so it doesn't sound like wounded mosquito.

This was a great idea, btw. I'm all for doing one once a month. If no one minds, I'd like to do the next backing track/jam. A 70s funky/fusion type thingy with more sedate chords to play over.