
Anyone up for a blues jam?

Deadline extended until Sunday 11.20.10 11:59 PM EST
Here are 2 Mixes:

1) http://www.sightsea.com/music/WBJ/Final_UWBJ_SK_3.mp3
2) http://www.sightsea.com/music/WBJ/Final_UWBJ_SK_3_tweaked.mp3

I was having a hard time matching up the tone and time of the original backing track with the one with all of the solos on it, so I put you beside the last empty space on the composite.

Please have a listen and let me know if I've got you in the pocket that you want, against the rhythm track.
If I don't get it, then give me direction, and we'll get it straightened out.

Also, anyone else please let me know if there's a problem with anything and I'll fix it.


I recorded a lil something for it.
rar file with both the solo, and it in the first min with the backing.

enjoy?  blues isn't really my bag, but i don't think it was as bad as transformers 2.
ErogenousJones said:
AutoBat said:
enjoy?  blues isn't really my bag, but i don't think it was as bad as transformers 2.

This made me laugh, but was Tranformers 2 really that much worse than Transformers 1?
I don't know... After watching T 1, I decided I wasn't going to watch the sequel. Some people love the movie, I don't.
Transformers 2 is quite possibly the worst full budget movie I have ever watched, and the only one I have walked out of midway through.
AutoBat said:
I recorded a lil something for it.
rar file with both the solo, and it in the first min with the backing.

enjoy?  blues isn't really my bag, but i don't think it was as bad as transformers 2.

Got it. I'll get to yours tomorrow if possible.

Yeah, guys, try not to make this more than it really is. I really do appreciate the extra effort going into this but like I said, I've done this on other boards before and we usually just record out part and pass it on to the next guy etc... The quality doesn't really decline that much. I mean, I'm totally cool with it if you want to take the time to do all that work, and I do appreciate it, but we're not making a CD or anything. Just messing around amongst ourselves.

Also, I suggested we give it until this Sunday to finish everything up. Gives the stragglers time to jump in if the want.

whoever is in charge of the mixing please contact me via PM :headbang:
I hear ya Mullyman.
It's no problem at this point for me since I have a project going in Sonar and just can add tracks when they show up.
The only problem I was really having was no head room to add anymore but that's fixed now.

I agree about waiting 'til Sunday. I'll keep an eye out for stragglers until then.

Steve_Karl, the MP3 sounds great & my solo sounds in time. Can't wait until the next one. Started working on it today.
Thanks for the input.
I just got Autobot's solo into place in the project but it's too late here to mix.
I'll mix it tomorrow and post it again.

Just catching up with this thread.  I listened to the MP3 - you guys are great!  I'm loving the variety of tones and styles.

Thanks mayfly !
Here's the corrected and confirmed tracking order so far with approximate times, each player playing 2 x 24 bars.

0:00-1:00 GoDrex (Confirmed )
1:00-2:00 djf67 (Confirmed)
2:00-3:00 hachikid ( Bass Solo Track ) (Confirmed )
3:00-4:00 MULLY (Confirmed )
4:00-5:00 Panthur (Confirmed )
5:00-6:00 Steve_Karl (Confirmed )
6:00-7:00 Doughboy (Confirmed )

7:00-8:00 Autobat ( Confirmed ) - - - might be mixed in today and posted later, but possibly I'll be waiting until Sunday in case there are others at the last minute.

GoDrex said:
come on lets get some more people in on this

Count me in... Do i just download the backing track and record my solo then upload it to some site? Also i would like to listen to the mix with everybody so far so i can offer something different  :icon_biggrin:
D-rock said:
Count me in... Do i just download the backing track and record my solo then upload it to some site? Also i would like to listen to the mix with everybody so far so i can offer something different  :icon_biggrin:

the mix is around here - just look a page back

yes just download the backing  - record your solo - then upload your mix AND your bare guitar track to a site and post the links here.
D-rock said:
GoDrex said:
come on lets get some more people in on this

Count me in... Do i just download the backing track and record my solo then upload it to some site? Also i would like to listen to the mix with everybody so far so i can offer something different  :icon_biggrin:

Everyone but the last player, Autobat, is on this mix:

If you want to hear Autobat's track go back a page or 2.
Don't worry, I'll be making his track stop at the right time so his doesn't continue into your first 2 bars.

Download the backing track called "blues jam - get close.mp3" from here:

Please record during the very first 48 bars because those are the ones I've been copying out to extend the track past it's original ending
Also please don't play during the drum pickup or you'll be stepping on the player before you.
It's cool to fade your last note into the beginning of the next 48 bars and ... if you want ( we don't have one yet ) do an ending that buttons it up and ends on A.

Post both your solo ( alone ... no backing track ) and you, with the backing track, also.
To save me some time please name them with your forum user name at the beginning
like D-Rock_Solo_Only.mp3 and D-Rock_with_track.mp3


mullyman said:
Ok, I looked around the forum for a music section and didn't see one so I'm posting here.

Anyone up for a blues jam? I have a backing track in the key of A. It's just about 6 minutes long so we can get 6 people at 1 minute each (12 bars x2). Basically all you need is a way to record yourself playing. If you guys are interested I'll post up the backing track for you to download. We'll get 6 people, first person downloads the original backing track, plays their solo, then posts it back up here for the next person. Next person downloads the version with the first solo on it and records their part from where the previous one finished and so on and so forth.

So, what say ya? Anyone up for it? I'm going to call spot number 3. Times will look like this

2:00-3:00 MULLY

These times aren't exact but you get the general idea.

If you want to join I'll put you in as first come first serve. If you don't care where you play I'll just drop you in somewhere. You can request a position if you like. Again, first come, first serve.

Lower level players/beginners, this is a perfect opportunity for you to put something out there to get feedback. I'm no great player so no need to feel intimidated by me. With me in there at least you know you won't be alone. hehe!!!

One rule though, it has to be played on a Warmoth build or a guitar with a Warmoth body or Warmoth neck. Keep it true to the forum.
and hey, if we get more than 6 takers (minus myself because I'm already in) we can always just use the same backing track and do 2 of them or 3 or 4 or whatever.

i'll take the first one if its free XD


yeah my bad, to late i guess. count me in next time though!