
Beta testing new Showcase search tool

Hey guys,

Thanks for all the feedback on our new Showcase search tool. You guys are awesome!

I spent all day adding some of the feature you guys were asking for and fixing some of the bugs. Here is a list of updates:
  • Added Exotic Woods filter for all wood categories
  • Fixed Bass Neck Category Headers
  • Moved Kenneth Lawrence to Angle Category
  • Add "Any Hardtail" and "Any Tremolo" filters (shows bodies with and without bridge routs)
  • Added "Mustang" and "7 string Pro" to construcitons
  • Added "Right Hand Reverse" to neck orientations
  • Added a filter to the Finish tab that lets you see only unfinished or finished items

I am still working on a select all/deselect all for all of the categories. We removed the details button because the buy button has the same functionality.

Thanks again for your help! Keep the comments coming.
  • webdev said:
    I spent all day adding some of the feature you guys were asking for and fixing some of the bugs. Here is a list of updates:
    • Added Exotic Woods filter for all wood categories
    . . .

Hi!  Thanks for taking the time to drop by the forums and to fix up the new showcase page.  The new "exotic woods" feature works nicely.

I've tried to use the new page to find all the Gecko necks, but that doesn't seem to work for me.  Can that be added as an option to "Headstock" or another appropriate place?

The only other thing I can ask for is to bring back the "fretless" and "fretless w/ lines" options for bass necks.  I kinda miss those too.

Keep up the great work.
Ran into a problem in the guitar body area.

From the following web address results in a point where I can't select "model = LP" and get any results even after clicking the "Clear All Search Options" button:

It looks like the "Any tremolo" option isn't getting cleared by the "Clear All" button.

Vista/Opera 11.61

Also tried with IE9, and if I select "any trem", then a bunch of finishes, then try "model = LP", I neither get any LP's (because there are none with trems, which is expected) nor do the existing models disappear - even though LP is now the only thing checked under model. If I hit "Clear All" nothing appears to happen and if I now choose "model = LP" nothing changes. [EDIT: when I say nothing changes, I mean the same strats and whatnot stay on the screen and I don't get the expected "Sorry, there were NO results with your search options".]

Again, "Clear All" didn't clear the "any trem" in IE9 either.
Graffiti62 said:
So far so good. The only thing I'd add, and maybe it's already there and I haven't found it yet, is a checkbox in the "finish" tab that you can check to also have unfinished bodies searched into the mix.

Worked find with IE8/XP and IE9/Win7.

Replied too fast. The unfinished option has been added by the web page team.

I love the new search page. I don't feel like I need to add items to my watch list since I can easily find them again.
swarfrat said:
It's broken. Every time I search for Baritone + Fatback it says "Sorry, there were NO results with your search options"

:icon_biggrin: for the humor impaired

I have the same problem with Extra Wide + Tele headstock + All exotic ;)
Either the "Special" showcase price is too high, or the extra options are not worked into the "Standard" price...

Normal price: $240 - your showcase only price: $295 doesn't sound like a great deal :)

This upgrade is getting better everytime I visit.
Thanks for putting in all the time it takes to improve an already great site.

I see you've added "all the blues", blacks, reds ect.
Any chance you could include "all bursts"?
It would save me a lot of check & unchecking.

Thanks again for all the effort.

It looks like nut width is auto sorting after the white space. Note that the numerator is in numerical order but that puts 1 3/4s in front of 1 5/8ths

Here is the current order

1 1/2"
1 11/16"
1 3/4"
1 5/8"
1 7/8"

This would make more sense since it goes from narrow to wide

1 1/2"
1 5/8"
1 11/16"
1 3/4"
1 7/8"

Getting nit picky but thought I would mention it.

I hate sorting imperial sizes like that. I wish we had followed through with our promise in the 70s and switched to metric.
Hey guys,

I just pushed a bunch of updates.  Most of them were from comment you guys have made.  The big update is that I made the headers in the flyout menus clickable. When clicked, it will select all of the options in the category. I haven't gotten to bass necks yet but I will finish it up tomorrow morning.

Thanks for you help!
Sorting the results by price puts a very nice $1020 rosewood tele on the top of the list.  :icon_scratch:

That's the only little problem I was able to find. Great feature  :icon_thumright:


Both the old and new Showcase tools are available.
Wyliee, Thanks to you and Bryan and everyone  else who worked so hard on this update.
IMO; it's a great improvement and a real nice toy for us click & droolers.

Now, if I just had some money.
In Showcase bodies ... After selecting strat, ...

it seems logical that if, in "Contours" ... I select "Tummy Cut" and "Forearm Contour" and NOT "Contoured Heel"
... I should be able to eliminate all Contoured Heels from the search, but it doesn't work that way.
The result is it eliminates everything, even bodies with no contoured heel.

Can this be tweaked to work?


Just being a squeaky wheel here.

Showcase bodies > Search options > Contoured heel >
Any and contoured heel are the only options!

Please tweak it and add "No Contoured Heel"

Even some of the bodies are not listed as contoured until you get into the extreme details,
but I'm still never gonna buy a contoured heel and don't ever want one.

Thank you!