
Barn Door Tele

I could not help it

I ordered a Tele neck


for the price they are offering on the pre made stuff, you cannot go wrong

I piece Goncalo Alves, vintage modern with bells and whistles
Jusatele said:
I could not help it

I ordered a Tele neck


for the price they are offering on the pre made stuff, you cannot go wrong

I piece Goncalo Alves, vintage modern with bells and whistles

What kinda frets?  Nut?  Six layers of Minwax wipe on poly applied with a sprayer?  Sorry, wrong thread for that last one...


bagman67 said:
Jusatele said:
I could not help it

I ordered a Tele neck


for the price they are offering on the pre made stuff, you cannot go wrong

I piece Goncalo Alves, vintage modern with bells and whistles

What kinda frets?  Nut?  Six layers of Minwax wipe on poly applied with a sprayer?  Sorry, wrong thread for that last one...

LOL, that was great Bagman
1 11/16
no nut, my tech would just rip it off and start fresh when he went to set up the action, he is a little anal that way

and the finish, will be raw except the headstock will get a clear finish over the decal
NICE :icon_thumright:.......now along with the poly don't forget to get out your "artist" brush and paint binding on that neck.....it'll look awsome and increase the value :icon_biggrin:
scartozi said:
NICE :icon_thumright:.......now along with the poly don't forget to get out your "artist" brush and paint binding on that neck.....it'll look awsome and increase the value :icon_biggrin:
After all I was an Art major, but they demoted me to an art Sargent
Jusatele said:
I could not help it

I ordered a Tele neck


for the price they are offering on the pre made stuff, you cannot go wrong

I piece Goncalo Alves, vintage modern with bells and whistles
Very nice, that neck is very Barn Door-esque....Very good choice.... :icon_thumright:
I should have it before Xmas, they are going to fret it next week and ship it.

went to get the pick of the rear and they already have it off the show room
I have applied the laquer and was unsatisfied with the touch feel, so I was using one of my grandfathers trick, called rotten stone, it is actually a product you can get that the grit factor is way up there. you use a rag, dip it in water and rub, you will feel under your fingers the last of the roughness disappear and your finish will be uber smooth. So as that was going on
the UPS truck shows up and guess what



so now, it is 2 weeks till Xmas and I have to come up with 3 hundred clams to buy tuners, pickups and electronics.
Duuuuuuuuuuude, that is spot on....That neck is just perfect with Barn Door...Nice job.... :icon_thumright:
DangerousR6 said:
Sandblasting makes a cool effect on the wood. This is one of my Jacksons with a ash body that has been blasted, I have 2 of them,  gives it a nice 3D effect... :icon_biggrin:

I think you need to give us a walk-through of this. Did you paint, THEN sandblast? That's absolutely beautiful.
Paul-less said:
DangerousR6 said:
Sandblasting makes a cool effect on the wood. This is one of my Jacksons with a ash body that has been blasted, I have 2 of them,  gives it a nice 3D effect... :icon_biggrin:

I think you need to give us a walk-through of this. Did you paint, THEN sandblast? That's absolutely beautiful.
That is actually a Jackson Dinky, and was a factory finish from Jackson...And I've only ever seen 3 colors, black, blue and a weathered brown. I have a blue and weathered brown... :icon_biggrin: