

who should win

  • Total voters
ByteFrenzy said:
While you're at it, could you fix the orientation? I didn't rent a pool to have the water look like it's standing straight up...  :toothy11:

done...not sure why photobucket flipped your photo....
ByteFrenzy said:
ByteFrenzy said:
While you're at it, could you fix the orientation? I didn't rent a pool to have the water look like it's standing straight up...  :toothy11:

:evil4: :evil4: Ok, you asked for it... now I have to post the pic of me IN the pool.  :evil4: :evil4:
Mind you, it's six hours later so the tide has shifted and the water is oriented in the other direction.
EDIT: Thanks dmraco... a minor tidal wave and magically the waters return to their usual orientation...
exaN said:
Thank you DMRACO :occasion14:

I'm voting for pt's bass because I've never voted for a bass before and in all fairness it looks BADASS :headbang:

Thanks man! Plays like a dream. Thanks also DMRACO for doing this every month.
ByteFrenzy said:
ByteFrenzy said:
ByteFrenzy said:
While you're at it, could you fix the orientation? I didn't rent a pool to have the water look like it's standing straight up...  :toothy11:

:evil4: :evil4: Ok, you asked for it... now I have to post the pic of me IN the pool.  :evil4: :evil4:
Mind you, it's six hours later so the tide has shifted and the water is oriented in the other direction.
EDIT: Thanks dmraco... a minor tidal wave and magically the waters return to their usual orientation...

Careful with those magical tidal waves, your body has disappeared. :sad:
You're nothing but arms and a head. :blob7:
Voted for PT, that Imbuia top is amazing I wish to bad I could buy it, but I couldn't... Glad that you did it well!
NonsenseTele said:
Voted for PT, that Imbuia top is amazing I wish to bad I could buy it, but I couldn't... Glad that you did it well!

Thanks Nonsense (I said it right this time)!  Ken Warmoth told me that it is one of his favorite Brazilian woods and it smells good when cut. It is not that common of a wood laminate on this forum but the figuring is killer close up.
PT said:
NonsenseTele said:
Voted for PT, that Imbuia top is amazing I wish to bad I could buy it, but I couldn't... Glad that you did it well!

Thanks Nonsense (I said it right this time)!  Ken Warmoth told me that it is one of his favorite Brazilian woods and it smells good when cut. It is not that common of a wood laminate on this forum but the figuring is killer close up.

hehehehehe :)

It's not a very commom wood from Warmoth too, I believe they have some, but not a lot... So from time to time they release one or other... Mind you that is a really figured one!
Bass-Adrenaline said:
Since i couldnt find it anywhere what are the rules to enter a guitar in the contest?

they're pretty loose rules. it's got to be custom built (assembled, finished, whatever). we've had a couple non-warmoths entered. also, adding a neck to another body (fender, squier, ibanez, whatever) or a body to another neck is fine. and they alternate months. this month is finished by warmoth or another professional, and next month will be finished by the owner. i don't want to say much more just in case i've gotten a couple important points wrong :icon_biggrin: but thats pretty much it. it's (usually) a pretty low key "contest" where the only prize is having your guitar at the top of the page for a month.

(i think it's really just an excuse to get a bunch of cool builds all in one thread, but what could be wrong with that?!)
Bare minimum a half-moth.  A Warmoth neck and a non-Warmoth body or the other way around.  To me it's tricky if the category is Warmoth finished and the guitar/bass in question is a non-Warmoth body with a Warmoth raw exotic neck.  Where's the Warmoth finish there? 
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Bare minimum a half-moth.  A Warmoth neck and a non-Warmoth body or the other way around.  To me it's tricky if the category is Warmoth finished and the guitar/bass in question is a non-Warmoth body with a Warmoth raw exotic neck.  Where's the Warmoth finish there? 

Are you sure you're not a liar lawyer? If not, you missed your calling. Identifying ambiguities in language is their stock in trade <grin>
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Bare minimum a half-moth.  A Warmoth neck and a non-Warmoth body or the other way around.

So you mean I should have been entering my Half-Moth all this time? :blob7:

Problem is, I don't really know how to define it.
The neck is a Warmoth, and Warmoth did the finish, but the epoxy was not done by Warmoth, and the body is a Squier. :dontknow:
ErogenousJones said:
line6man said:
The neck is a Warmoth, and Warmoth did the finish, but the epoxy was not done by Warmoth, and the body is a Squier. :dontknow:

So it's Warmoth-finished. No?

The finish was done by Warmoth, but not the epoxy coat.
So the neck is like half-Warmoth, half-owner finish. Plus the Squier body, finished by Squier.
line6man said:
ErogenousJones said:
line6man said:
The neck is a Warmoth, and Warmoth did the finish, but the epoxy was not done by Warmoth, and the body is a Squier. :dontknow:

So it's Warmoth-finished. No?

The finish was done by Warmoth, but not the epoxy coat.
So the neck is like half-Warmoth, half-owner finish. Plus the Squier body, finished by Squier.

Yeah I read that wrong.  :doh: Either way, it's a nice bass.

I guess you have no choice but to enter it in both.  :laughing7:
line6man said:
ErogenousJones said:
line6man said:
The neck is a Warmoth, and Warmoth did the finish, but the epoxy was not done by Warmoth, and the body is a Squier. :dontknow:

So it's Warmoth-finished. No?

The finish was done by Warmoth, but not the epoxy coat.
So the neck is like half-Warmoth, half-owner finish. Plus the Squier body, finished by Squier.

think I need a new category for this one..... :doh:
tubby.twins said:
DesmoDog said:
IMHO if the body or neck has a pro finish then it should be in the pro finish category.

Agreed.  So line6man should enter next time.  :)

I am fine with that.  I figure...is others object...they don't need to vote for him....

line6man...looks killer...you get some aweseom looking fretboards.