

who should win

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Congrats gtr475! I'm also with Super Turbo Deluxe Custom, I'd love to see your other guitar in the next GOTM!
Congrats gtr475!! That guitar is classssyyy :glasses9:

I still got 3 votes that's more than I thought I'd get :hello2:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
That is kick ass!  I like your other one as well (the EMG one).  If you don't nominate it in 2 months, I will.

I will do that when it is eligible for GOTM.
DMRACO said:
CONGRATS gtr475....well done! :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:
Please post a full body shot (of the guitar.. :laughing7:)for the banner.....


Significant others....

++1 Hands down nicest one...LOVE the flat black pickguard. Gonna copy THAT someday.


Super Turbo Bass

Super turbo Tele




















TJD said:
CONGRATS gtr475....well done! :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:
Please post a full body shot (of the guitar.. :laughing7:)for the banner.....
He posted several pics on page 12, I mocked up an unofficial version and can send the layered .psd if you'd like to save some time.
Sorry...I keep looking at this guitar on the upper corner and cannot believe how great it looks.

I actually when thru the thread again and there are so many killer strats (as wells as others) this month....WOW!
DMRACO said:
Sorry...I keep looking at this guitar on the upper corner and cannot believe how great it looks.

I actually when thru the thread again and there are so many killer strats (as wells as others) this month....WOW!

Y'know - if I was a Fender Custom Shop employee, I'd feel very threatened. Or, perhaps very frustrated. Maybe they're not allowed to be all they can be.
I had my Warmoth strat with me last year at a local music store, trying out gear & Yuriy Shishkov, a master builder from Fender was giving a seminar & showing off a new batch of Fender Custom Shop Models. After the seminar, which was amazingly informative btw, we got to speak to him & I showed him my strat. I could tell he was very impressed by it but was purposely trying not to say anything too nice. When I told him my total cost, he got visibly upset, as the people around could hear. It was 1/3 of the price of their Custom Shop Strats & it was unquestionaly better wood, top, parts, PU etc. I even shave down my heels for a neck thru feel so everyone there was really impressed with it over all. 2 guys even said they'd never heard of Warmoth & I gave them the website address & they said they were going to look into getting one, since the Fender prices were to high for them.

Doughboy said:
2 guys even said they'd never heard of Warmoth & I gave them the website address & they said they were going to look into getting one, since the Fender prices were to high for them.

How the hell do you not know about Warmoth? :icon_scratch:
I knew about Warmoth for years before I bought my first neck. Talk is all over guitar and bass forums, there are advertisements in guitar magazines every month, etc.
Hehe! Good story.

I know I always feel better after touring the local music mega-stores. I see the Fenders, Gibsons and PRSs hanging there for $3K and up before they even begin to compete with my Warmoth stuff, and wonder if I'm in the wrong business.

But, to be fair, it's tough to be a legitimate business in the US, and in some states more than others. Taxes, fees, licensing, regulatory compliance, insurance, unions, etc. all conspire to force your sell price up until it looks like you're some kind of outrageously greedy criminal while you're only making 10%-15% profit, if that.
line6man said:
Doughboy said:
2 guys even said they'd never heard of Warmoth & I gave them the website address & they said they were going to look into getting one, since the Fender prices were to high for them.

How the hell do you not know about Warmoth? :icon_scratch:
I knew about Warmoth for years before I bought my first neck. Talk is all over guitar and bass forums, there are advertisements in guitar magazines every month, etc.

You're probably not mentally challenged <grin>

Advertising is big business, but it's so pervasive and ubiquitous in this country that many people have developed what's now being referred to in the industry as "ad blindness". They just don't see them. They've learned to recognize that they're not only not any kind of information, they're often exaggerations or just blatant lies, and blow right past them.

The other thing is that fully half the country has a below-average IQ and couldn't execute a Google search to save their lives, assuming they own and know how to power up a malware magnet, have internet service, and are aware that there's such a thing as a "search engine".
Cagey said:
Hehe! Good story.

I know I always feel better after touring the local music mega-stores. I see the Fenders, Gibsons and PRSs hanging there for $3K and up before they even begin to compete with my Warmoth stuff, and wonder if I'm in the wrong business.

But, to be fair, it's tough to be a legitimate business in the US, and in some states more than others. Taxes, fees, licensing, regulatory compliance, insurance, unions, etc. all conspire to force your sell price up until it looks like you're some kind of outrageously greedy criminal while you're only making 10%-15% profit, if that.

3k for a quality name brand guitar isn't THAT horrible. However, these Fender Custom Shop Strats were selling for 6-8K. They had nice tops, but my Warmoth top blew all of theirs away, plus had better hardware a the craziest flame maple neck in entire store. I'll try to take a pic of it & post it here.
Damn. I knew they were expensive, but I didn't think they were that much. Makes me feel even better <grin>

The ones that drive me the craziest are the "signature" versions some like to sell. Add $50 to $75 worth of "premium" parts like locking tuners or a properly designed bridge to a standard issue guitar, combine that with some tiny frets or a sub-standard pickup, then put some famous wanker's name on it and add $1,500 to $2,000 to the price of the thing. WTF?

But, it goes back to the marketing weenie thing. They take all sorts of psychology and statistics classes to learn that people will eat snails if you present them properly, and if you word the description right, they'll even pay a premium to do so. Mark Twain knew this many, many years ago. Ever read "Tom Sawyer"?
I can see why the guy was upset. That's a helluva piece of work.

What's aggravating is that Fender could get $8K for gem like that, but if you put it on eBay, you'd be lucky to clear $800. I watch the Warmoth offerings on that site all the time, and it sickens me what guys have to take for such nice instruments.
Doughboy said:
Here's my Warmoth Strat. Better than Custom Shop parts & features at a fraction of the price.

Gorgeous - what did you do with the read cavity cover?  I can't zoom in enough to see and it looks interesting...
I leave all the rear cavity covers off my guitars. I just sprayed over the cavity & since it wasn't sanded, it looks bumpy inside.