thanks man. there's actually no effects. there's two amps, each going to cabs of their own. one for high frequencies, one for low frequencies (stole the idea from Billy Sheehan). the bass side, it's a 150w Fender Bassman tube head going to an Acoustic 360 Horn bass cab with a rackmount compressor. on the treble side, it's an Orange OR-120 with the gain all the way up going to a Leslie 147 rotary cabinet with a rackmount compressor and a parametric EQ to further sculpt the highs and mids. here's the insane part, I was not actually plugged up to a physical amplifier of any sort. I was plugged into an M-Audio Fast Track Ultra that goes directly into my computer, and from there, I did all the amp stuff with Amplitube 3. it did all the amp modeling and recording. I fiddled with settings for hours, swapping heads and cabinets, trying different effects, listening to different speaker sizes, changing speaker sizes, changing tubes in amps, changing pre-amps, tinkering with the noise gate, until I came up with something I liked. this program is amazing.