
Anyone ever heard of...


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Dagmar Custom guitars? This guy is crazy ubertechnical..... :icon_thumright:

Sweet looking guitars too....
This is "Gretchen"


Mary Lou...


Mayfly will be happy to know that this guys Canadian... :dontknow:
Wow. A lot of work looks like it went into the first one.

I seem to remember Warmoth showcasing some checker board wenge & maple tops.
Biggus Pickus said:
Wow. A lot of work looks like it went into the first one.

I seem to remember Warmoth showcasing some checker board wenge & maple tops.
Ya, they had some sometime ago, but they were walnut and maple I believe...But nothing near as complex as what it takes him to make these....
DangerousR6 said:
Biggus Pickus said:
Wow. A lot of work looks like it went into the first one.

I seem to remember Warmoth showcasing some checker board wenge & maple tops.
Ya, they had some sometime ago, but they were walnut and maple I believe...But nothing near as complex as what it takes him to make these....

Wow, that guy really knows his stuff!
This guy is a true genius. I wonder if his guitars sound & play well, though. I'd alos like cat eye or traditional f holes. Don't dig the bolts too much, but the rest of the guitar is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. :icon_thumright:
Most guys try to hide their secrets, but he came right out and told everyone.  Partly because he knows no one else will do it.

Those Canucks talk funny.  "Uh-boot"