
Any Triple Humbucker Fans?


Senior Member
Why, why not?
I'm toying with the idea at the moment.  I have a triple P90 guitar and I really do switch quite a bit between individual pickups to get the right sound. I don't really mix the pickups together much.
I look at a guitar like the Black Beauty LP Custom with it's triple gold HBs and it does have a certain chunky muscle car type styling.  It looks mean. But would there be as much distinctness in sound between the three HB positions, as I get in my three P90s?

I'm not that big a fan, just seems like too much - but that guitar does look great. I'd like it better with 2 instead of three.

How do the controls work on that?

-edit - never mind, I looked it up.
I used to have an SG Custom. My picking style and that middle pickup could not make peace.

Traded it for a '75 Telecaster Deluxe.

Worst deal in history.
RLW said:
I used to have an SG Custom. My picking style and that middle pickup could not make peace.

Traded it for a '75 Telecaster Deluxe.

Worst deal in history.

No worst trade in history is my dad traded a 69 pink paisley tele for a 74 SG (which is now mine) this was of course in 74 and the SG was brand new, but check out ebay if you can even find one these days. He kicks himself everyday. As for me I have yet to sale any guitar I have bought...hasn't paid off yet but it will. ( I stand corrected I traded a Parker Nite Fly for a american strat....I think that was a pretty even trade)

I have the same problem as RLW,  I actually like the sounds you can get with three humbuckers, but that one in the middle is just in the way.  A buddy of mine has a three humbucker SG, and I just can't stand to play the thing.
I like the 3rd humbucker in at all times. It can make a guitar more versatile, but it always will look more cool.
Don't laugh, it's no goofier than some of their Guitars Of The Month, the Reverse Flying V in particular.
If you don't like the three full sized buckers, there also the HSS and HSH configs with a single-coil sized bucker in the single-coil slot(s).
The idea would be to put something like a Bare Knuckle Stormy Monday in the middle position for when I need a nice warm smooth sound, and something more modern in the other positions.
i used to have an epiphone black beauty. i hated the middle pickup, all three pickups were the same model and it was wired so that in middle position it was using the middle and bridge pickup! which made me so angry that i ripped the middle pickup out and never looked back!
damn cheap guitars!
From the research I've been doing, the connection of the middle to the bridge seems a huge problem with the standard wiring.  I'm a big fan of individual on/off switches for each pickup, so that can be fixed.  I also think you've raised a key point in the model of pickups.  I think it would a waste to have the same type of pickup through all three positions.

I just bought some Gemini  pickups for my baritone project and they have a line of multi-mode humbuckers that really intrigue me. I think a set of those with a BKP Stormy Monday in the middle would give an incredible range of sounds, provided the pickups were close enough in volume to work as a set.