
All about Iceman Projects


So far I've hovered on the TOM because they look really clean, the gibsonesque 2 bar tailpiece just looks.... Wrong, to me... on moderguitars... I'm not really aware of many other options... but I think Stringthru looks Phenomenal!

and I'm thinking about how the Arrow relates to that elongated Lower horn...

I dunno... here to learn!

thanks! and I'm always hungry for more feedback/correcting!
from the showcase

one question: why would you want to spray a wenge neck?
Patrick said:
one question: why would you want to spray a wenge neck?

Damn good question. has 3 answers!

1. maybe I don't?
2. I like high gloss finish
3. I'm worried the color will be too bright to look good with the rest of the guitar!
wenge is very very dark wood. It's hardly ever light colored, and even when it is you destroy it when you put a finish of any kind on it. It feels awesome when it's unfinished and it doesn't need a finish to be protected because it is very very sturdy.
AGWAN said:
So far I've hovered on the TOM because they look really clean, the gibsonesque 2 bar tailpiece just looks.... Wrong, to me... on moderguitars... I'm not really aware of many other options... but I think Stringthru looks Phenomenal!

Rather than a TOM, you might consider the Gotoh 510...


It gets rid of the need for a stop tailpiece, which only exists to add weight and shore up deficiencies in the TOM, and it has fewer hard corners/edges. In the long run, it even costs less while giving you a better piece of hardware.

The Schaller 475 is a nice part, too...


It also has more adjustability to it.
that actually looks great!

what is this I'm hearing about neck pocket angles? not sure where I take care of that...

... Sadly the Schaller is right hand only. :(

but the 520 works lefty, right?
Oh! that makes the decision of who does the bridge work that much easier! Warmoth it is!

Edit I meant 510... I think... one is so close to 2 on the keyboard...
Here's a shot from Warmoth's customer guitar gallery where the Gotoh 510 bridge got used...

I think that pic really makes my bridge decision for me! Gotoh 510 it is!

Red MetalFlake without binding is $575...

Black bound Purple dyed Quilted maple.. $745... Warmoth why must you taunt me with endless options and pricing!!!???

EDIT to my EDIT because I have SPAMMED the crap out of this thread today...______________

If anyone feels up to criticizing my choices I'd love them!

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Isn't that exciting?

... You think its kinda boring?

LOL!  :blob7:

I think thats it is pretty much down to one of those...

At least before I change my mind in all of 3 days...
Cagey said:
Here's a shot from the most beautiful Warmoth ever built also know as the guitar of the Year 09...

I fixed it for you!  :icon_biggrin: :icon_jokercolor:
Hehe! Thanks! I knew I had seen that somewhere before, but couldn't think of a way to find it so I could credit it properly. Nice job on that beauty!
i actually thought that was a showcase pic until i saw the neck pocket said htomraW.
it looks pretty dang awesome though
What are you talking about?! Htomraw is like, the super elite line of Warmoth custom....  :icon_biggrin:

But yeah, If I ordered this body exactly like this, its like 330... I'm so tempted to just paint it myself...

but not nearly as much as I want a sweet warmoth finish.

Eh,we will see how money goes...
Most colleges are chock full of starving artists with professional training who'll damn near work for food.
And I'm one of them!  :icon_biggrin:

but with my technique's it would come out really 3-D... I'd rather be able to stick it under Poly.

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I mean, if I can do this on a Kids face in half an hour, I'm sure I could do a guitar better over a weekend...

Its just that kids face doesn't cost 400 dollars or need to sound Pretty!
Patrick said:
you could ask finch for some tips. he hand painted a guitar and a bass and they look AMAZING

Thanks for the plug! Im not really sure what the exact question is in regards to painting but I can tell you what i've done and what works well and what hasn't

My first guitar was "Mendy" http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=10969.0
I primed the entire body in 2 coats of Gesso, then sanded it smooth with fine grain sandpaper. Its alot different then working on canvas, the paint smears a little bit more, meaning you can get by with less paint and get some really cool textures and shading in the process, it makes for a really crisp image (you can practically count the blades of grass in certain areas, even though I didn't paint individual blades of grass).

plan on spraying it with a clear drying lacquer, I used polyurethane on Mendy and its already starting to amber, which doesn't really look good on a light ultramarine blue background

For my bass i did a combination of stain and paint, putting down the stain and then taping off my design area, filling it with Gesso, and then painting over the Gesso. The black burst effect i just painted right on the stain finish (which was oil based) and as it dried i just worked it with a stiff brush to feather the edges, you just have to be careful because the acrylic knocks off real easy until you seal it.

I also recommend a flat or semigloss finish, otherwise the glare of bright lights will make it impossible to see the artwork