
Where Are All the Icemen At?

I know the Iceman is a polarizing body style, but it's SO unique and cool!

Who here has one?

Please post pics!

Nice idea for a post! I hope you get a lot of people replying with photos. I want to see their Iceman builds! I have been wanting to find one with people and their warmoth Koa builds.
Here is a link where you will find posts related to Iceman and also under the images tab you will find related images also.

Google Search forum for Iceman
Yeah, shame on me for hoping fellow members might share their builds in an updated and consolidated thread on the topic, lol.

I'll be sure to just link to a Google search anytime someone has a question or makes a request on this site!
Nice idea for a post! I hope you get a lot of people replying with photos. I want to see their Iceman builds! I have been wanting to find one with people and their warmoth Koa builds.


The Iceman is growing in popularity, but I don't know how many users actually post their builds here.

A lot of the threads linked to in the Google search above (which I've already done myself) are several years old now.

I imagine there are some cool or interesting builds that haven't been shared yet, which is the reason for this thread. Hopefully we get some more fruitful replies!
Yeah, shame on me for hoping fellow members might share their builds in an updated and consolidated thread on the topic, lol.

I'll be sure to just link to a Google search anytime someone has a question or makes a request on this site!

Not to shame you or anything else negative. It was to help you.

I imagine there are some cool or interesting builds that haven't been shared yet, which is the reason for this thread. Hopefully we get some more fruitful replies!

Perfectly valid reason.

As I have been on this forum for a long time, I suspect that you will get few replies and may not get any. Why, because it is a small forum, there are few Icemen builds that I recall being posted and in general, some members post a build and then are inactive.

For that reason, I provided you with that link to help you at least be able to find and view what there is available.