Y'know, that body could use a refinishing job... <grin>
As for the parts from J.A.Pan, Inc., I suspect they may have other things on their minds right now besides shipping geegaws. What with the earthquake, Tsunami, and Godzilla the Broken Nuclear Power Plant, they're in a world of hurt. Although, the Godzilla isn't the scariest part, regardless of what you hear.
If the Chicken Littles are to be believed, the entire country is irradiated to the point where the glow can be seen from Mars even with the sun behind them. Never mind that if you're wearing a wristwitch with glow-in-the-dark hour markers you're getting more radiation than an entire city block in Fukushima Dai-Ichi. I mean, the sensationalist media is reporting radiation levels in millisieverts, which are fractions of rads, because the levels are so low they need a way to make them seem larger and therefore more terrifying. It's like putting a label on a hearing aid battery that says DANGER: 1,200,000 MICROVOLTS!
If people knew how much radiation your average coal-burning power plant puts out here in a day, their heads would explode. A typical 1000 MW coal-fired plant burns about 4 million tons of coal every year. This results in an unregulated release to the environment of 5.2 tons of Uranium along with 12.8 tons of Thorium from a single coal plant each year. This does not include the large amounts of radium, radon, polonium and potassium-40 that is also released from coal plants.
If you worry about radiation, the best place to live is near a nuke. They're dedicated to maintaining insanely and unnaturally low levels of radiation in those areas.