
Agile 2000- non warmoth LP build..COMPLETED


Master Member
I picked up this unfinished LP from rondo music for $125.  My son want to get into guitar finishing ( apple does not fall far from the tree) and I figured this would be a good project. 

He has already removed the hardware.  Our next step is to create f holes!!  We will be routing out the solid mahogany.  Working on a jig now.

Some before photos



There is some decent flame.  However it is a paper thin lam top on top of 1/4 inch maple cap.
Surgery is complete.  I am very pleased.  I will spend tomorrow cleaning them up with a file and sand paper.

Needless to say I was a bit nervous dropping the router onto the guitar....

DMRACO said:
Needless to say I was a bit nervous dropping the router onto the guitar....

I'm nervous every time I plug the routerbeast in, let alone drop it onto anything. You can do one helluva lotta damage in a hurry with one of those things, no matter how good you are. But, there are some things the beast can do that are unique to its capabilities, so whaddaya gonna do? Strange bedfellows, and all that.

It appears to have served you well in this case. But, sleep with one eye open <grin>
black dye on.  There is some nasty glue penetration on the edges.  I guess that is the risk of such a thin lam top....or just sloppy work with the binding.  The good news is I will be able to cover 95% of it with a black burst accent I will be spraying.

DMRACO said:
black dye on.  There is some nasty glue penetration on the edges.  I guess that is the risk of such a thin lam top....or just sloppy work with the binding.  The good news is I will be able to cover 95% of it with a black burst accent I will be spraying.


This is really looking good!  :hello2:
Tempted to get one of those kits myself. That's a great looking kit. I just wish they sold kits in more than just their LP shape.
It is supposed to be close to 60 tomorrow.  I may be able to get some color on this thing.
Very nice! I was tempted to try a transparent version of a silverburst for a while on an LP until I found an LP Traditional Goldtop I couldn't say no to - excited to see how this looks with the burst-over.  :toothy10: