
Adding Decals to a Warmoth Neck


Junior Member
First things first: here she is


Not bad, eh?

Now, if i decide to add a decal (of a fairly well-known guitat manufacturer, hypothetically of course), how should I go about it?

What type of finish does Warmoth apply at the factory? Lacquer?

I know how water-slide decals work, obviously. But to make it look nice, a bit of finish needs to go over the decal, correct?

Would I be screwing up a nice neck by even attempting this?

All advice is appreciated.
Assuming the finish W uses wont go nuts with lacquer..... its a plastic finish, not lacquer...

I'd very lightly rough the fniish on the whole front of the headstock with 600 paper - wet
Very light touch please
Clean the head stock with naphtha
add the decal
seal the deal with clear shellac - very lightly, then another heavier coat or two
overspray ultra lightly with clear lacquer
continue with lacquer ultra light until you get some finish buildup
level if need be... but VERY lightly
buff out
Keep that 2nd decal handy incase of fuckups
That frankly sounds like it's over my head.

In other words, I ordered a brand new Warmoth neck that they finished in amber tint. And it sounds like I would very likely fudge it up if I tried to do what you describe. I have none of the tools or the knowledge necessary to do that.

And if I screwed up my brand-new neck by trying to stick a stupid decal on the neck, I might shoot myself.

Any tips on anyone in the Sacramento area who might be able to do a professional-looking job as decribed for a reasonable fee??

Thanks for the post.
just get a warmoth metal decal so what if it doesn't say fender.



Catalyzed finishes are usually... but not always impervious to nitro (acetone).  Its the acetone that makes them volatile to other finishes.  Yes other things too.. but the acetone is the biggie.

So 2 part epoxy finishes, do well.  Fender factory finish does just fine with overspray of nitro.
buckallred said:
That frankly sounds like it's over my head.

In other words, I ordered a brand new Warmoth neck that they finished in amber tint. And it sounds like I would very likely fudge it up if I tried to do what you describe. I have none of the tools or the knowledge necessary to do that.

And if I screwed up my brand-new neck by trying to stick a stupid decal on the neck, I might shoot myself.

Any tips on anyone in the Sacramento area who might be able to do a professional-looking job as decribed for a reasonable fee??

Thanks for the post.

BTW, its not really "that" hard.  But you'd need some  stuff.  Lacquer (DEFT), 600 paper, polishing compound, shellac

If you want to do it yerself with ZIP fuss and stuff - the half assed way, is to just apply the decal, let it dry real well, then coat it with shellac, a few coats worth.  Shellac comes off with alcohol, wont screw yer factory finish, and no sanding.  It wont "shine like a behind" but it'll be passing.