A new idea...


Junior Member
A long day of boring classes resulted in the following idea:

I want to build a tobacco burst VIP, with clear sides and back...maybe Black Korina? Cream binding, gold hardware, two humbuckers...Wenge/Ebony neck...22 frets...W headstock...with a JEM-like inlay from http://www.custominlay.com/

Ideas...ideas...what do we all think?

EDIT: Ahahaha, I just mentioned the idea to my mum and her reaction was priceless...'ANOTHER ONE?!?!'...I'm just finishing my first Warmoth build. :toothy12:
My friends are all retarded, so it's all up to me! Well, no, not really. One of them builds my pedals! :hello2:

It'd be nice eventually...but I'm thinking I'm going to need to put away like $3500 for it...and I've got plenty of stuff to buy before then.
thekiwidisciple said:
My friends are all retarded, so it's all up to me! Well, no, not really. One of them builds my pedals! :hello2:

It'd be nice eventually...but I'm thinking I'm going to need to put away like $3500 for it...and I've got plenty of stuff to buy before then.
$3500? You could make 2 or three nice Warmoth's for that amount!
Well hey, I've finished buying everything for my first build...just have to get her burnt now. All up it's worked out to $1800 AUD...
thekiwidisciple said:
Well hey, I've finished buying everything for my first build...just have to get her burnt now. All up it's worked out to $1800 AUD...
Well it beats store bought guitars, most of them anyway.
thekiwidisciple said:
I want to build a tobacco burst VIP, with clear sides and back...maybe Black Korina? Cream binding, gold hardware, two humbuckers..

this was exactly my plan!! I wanted a clear finish on the back, but somehow the sales rep talked me out of it... and I am kind of happy he did:) the back of my vip looks as good as the front! :)
man you guys beat me to it. I was gonna link to marko's beauty! It is one of my very faves on this board
thekiwidisciple said:
Definitely. The only store bought guitar I'll ever by again is a Squier Telecaster. I've wanted one for aaaaaages.

Warmoth Telecaster VS Squier Telecaster... I'd get a Warmoth.
Yes, that's exactly the one I want. But with a inlay on the fretboard.

And as far as Telecasters go, I specifically want a Squier, otherwise I would get a Warmoth.
Well, they're affordable and they're nice instruments. Plus, people generally give Squier's a bad name, but with a few modifications, they are very nice.
Looks like you're lucky...

Look that popped at showcase:
Hey, Gregg, Fernando showed me another one of those VIPs, and neither seemed up to W's regular picture standards, to my eye. I might be wrong, but have you guys changed how you do photos?
NonsenseTele said:
Looks like you're lucky...

Look that popped at showcase:

Yeah, that's hot.