
21st Century Schizoid Musiclander

Fat Pete

Hero Member
Here's a pointless little poll for y'all.

The deal is, I'm converting a rear-routed Warmoth Musiclander body into a scratchplate wearing mutant.

My weird plans are more or less decided but what would you guys prefer to see (or do yourselves)...

1. A pseudo-vintage 2 pickup almost-a-replica, mustang plate and all

- or -

2. Something like a strange modern take on late 60s/early 70s Japanese style - quite possibly including a bizarre headstock shape of my own design.

Broadly speaking something like 1:


Or, a Musiclander-shape version of, 2:


I went for the first pseudo vintage Fendery option but for the headstock go with one of your design.

Oh and make the body option a little more interesting perhaps.
Fz:"hello there, welcome to the show. no, we are not going to play 'cheepnis' - that's right - but we are collecting underpants, and we are collecting brassieres, we are collecting small articles of feminine underclothing. we are making a quilt... really - trust me. so here's the deal, if you're a girl and you're wearing a dress, whip 'em off, that's it, see? no problem. even with a pin..what does it say? 'nobody's perfect'. I guess so... what we got here? oh. now let's see what's on the inside. uh huh, trainer coos. okay. s'more, s'more... underpants, brassieres, just send 'em up, no problem. oh, you'll warm up to it. if you're wearing pants and you have bikinis on underneath your pants, rip the edges and pull 'em out; if you're wearing those big old ugly cotton jobs go to the toilet and take 'em off, okay? so far, ladies and gentlemen, the response from this particular community has not been especially gratifying. perhaps you're a little bit too intellectual here. here'Ething... tasteful, very tasteful... you'll get into it. oh, some more - look - it's almost like going to a, well, never mind. heh, heh, heh. I just want to remind you that you are in direct competition with chicago, which so far has produced the highest yield of female underclothes of any place in the united states. oh, here's one, thank you very much. chicago, if you'll recall, was the town in which we received the very famous voodoo butter underpants... heh, heh... the pants that nearly broke tommy mars' neck. as soon as he took a whiff of those, his head went back this far, and he was heard to mutter 'jeezus'. so, we don't care what kind of condition they're in. what've we got here? 'twat book', okay. uh huh, very good - zeets, whadduya think? he already has that one... no problem, though. well, tonight you're gonna be entertained by ike willis on guitar and vocals; tommy mars on keyboards and 'jeezus'. you're also going to be entertaining yourselves a little bit, but don't worry about it. steve vai on guitar, vocals and light blue hair".
Ike:"another contestant over there".
[/size]Fz:"oh, some more? okay. vinnie colaiuta on booklet. now what does this say? 'hi frank, how about'...what does this say? 'my hat from the...how about wearing my hat...wearing...' how about  -- this Is is a college community, right? -- 'how about wearing, w-e-r-e-i-n-g..." never mind. arthur barrow on bass; bob harris on keyboards, high vocal trumpet and vegetables; and, ladies and gentlemen, the famous ray white on guitar and vocals. okay, you ready? one, two, three, four..."[/size]-- Frank Zappa, "Panty Rap," Tinseltown Rebellion
Fat Pete said:
stratamania said:
Oh and make the body option a little more interesting perhaps.

What kind of more interesting do you have in mind?

Well stick with the shape and do something hardware and colour wise along the lines you did with the red Tele to give it a twist.
Is that body really as small as it looks? I play around with the idea of a black one with a "Warmoth" head stock neck.
If you look at the measurements, they don't seem so different from Strats/Teles etc. but 'in the flesh' it does look and feel pretty small.

The Warmoth headstock suits it pretty well I think - check out the white one in the September GOTM contest. I generally prefer 6 in line headstocks and think the Warhead works very well. If I was sensible I'd go that way rather than my own weird design. Few people would accuse me of being sensible...

On the subject of headstocks, has anybody here had Warmoth cut them a custom shape? If so, how did it work out? Did they just charge the basic $45 fee or was more work involved?
I have a musiclander, and it's really comfortable.  I haven't shown it here because I'm not happy with the plain clear finish (want to get it painted before I show it here) but it's a really nice shape.
Any updates on this?

FWIW, I like both ideas.  Perhaps a hybridized approach?

I like the idea of a modernized take on the original, with a neck that has a unique headstock.  Perhaps your own design? 
Well i guess it will be hybridized - in that the scratchplate will be my own strange design but it's now getting the arrow headstock - I thought the Warhead was more likely originally, and still think it's intrinsically a more attractive design, but the arrow won out because I do think it suits the body and it has more room for a non-standard logo application.

I had worked up an even stranger design for the 'stock but decided against it because a) it locked me into using Steinberger gearless tuners which I'm not 100% convinced about for various reasons, and b) I simply wasn't sure that I liked the design enough. Also c) I've lusted after a ziricote 'board for ages so spent the custom headstock upcharge on a UC piece of wood instead!

Actual progress includes the arrival of some parts - the tuners, a set of Hipshot griplocks with UMP and one of the pickup sets(!) Also printed a paper scratchplate mockup today that I need to cut out to check for fit.

Most importantly, the project logo is done:
