Recent content by SabrePanzer

  1. SabrePanzer

    Meanwhile, at Warmoth...Fresh Roasted Maple Sweepstakes

    ...So who won? No announcement yet, and it's the 26th now... >>
  2. SabrePanzer

    Meanwhile, at Warmoth...Fresh Roasted Maple Sweepstakes

    I'm in, and HOPEFULLY my life's luck will change for the positive by winning this thing. Because I need something obviously going for me, and this includes winning a new custom Warmoth neck to my spec or whatever. >>
  3. SabrePanzer

    You all best be sitting down before you look at this

    I actually like the transparent back. For some reason, it makes me think "surfboard", from the specific color and the grain lines. Like you're "riding the waves". But that's just me.  :tard: Either way, if I wasn't already deep in a project, I'd be looking to scrounge up money to buy it in a...
  4. SabrePanzer

    Picks-evolution of in your playing

    I started off with the Dunlop Tortex picks, specifically the yellow and green ones, before experimenting with other picks. Through different Fender tortoise-like picks, with a few oddballs (including a couple triangular bass picks), to experimenting with Dunlop Jazz picks, to the current Dunlop...
  5. SabrePanzer

    Second Wave of Designs? (More Question than Suggestion)

    I know this seems slightly more like a question rather than a suggestion, but I'm honestly extremely curious-slash-impatient about the other Gibson-based designs that were supposedly being redesigned for re-release *coughnomadcough*, but so far there hasn't been any word on them. So, I kinda...
  6. SabrePanzer

    Meanwhile, at Warmoth...another giveaway

    I'm all over the damn thing, even though I'm a righty. I've wanted that sucker for a while.
  7. SabrePanzer

    GAS Alert!!!!

    This thing's got my eye. Shame I don't have the money (nor the time) to start another build in addition to the others that are just lounging around waiting for things that are beyond my reach at the moment...It's a pretty body that needs a pretty neck, which I'd be broke before I could even...
  8. SabrePanzer

    Tone, you're drunk, you're not a volume. (halp pls)

    Well... I don't have actual pics considering the guitar's still together at the moment, but I did hotlink the SD wiring diagram that I used for the most part, then disregarded the switch instructions because this is the style of switch that I've got (not the exact model though), and the wiring...
  9. SabrePanzer

    Tone, you're drunk, you're not a volume. (halp pls)

    ...Okay, so I wired up my "Sledgehammer" project, which is a Warmoth Birdseye Maple/Rosewood neck and Warmoth Alder Strat body, with two CTS 500k pots and one DiMarzio 250k pot stuffed in it. CTS 500k volume for the Bill Lawrence L500XL in the bridge, and the DiMarzio 250k as a volume for the SD...
  10. SabrePanzer

    Moar 7 String Love?

    I know that the 7-string stuff is more of a niche thing for Warmoth compared to the Strat and Tele items (and thus probably the reason why I figure that not TOO much would be done for 7-string guitars), but I've been really wanting to build myself a custom 7-string guitar for a while, and it...
  11. SabrePanzer

    Kramer Baretta build

    ...Just an odd question: Does Warmoth even make bodies with the slanted bridge humbucker rout anymore? I have not seen one in ages. I want a Warmoth Strat body with one (for that '80s shredder vibe), but I don't even know if they do that sort of thing anymore. I mean, they still have that...
  12. SabrePanzer

    Fireman (Reverse Iceman)

    Thumbs up. Just take the lefty Iceman design and place the control rout as a righty. Of course, the top rout (which is what I want) is gonna be much more complicated than that, but I want a Fireman, dagnabbit! One that actually has humbuckers and not single coils, and isn't 900 friggin' bucks...
  13. SabrePanzer

    Destroyer Body

    I wonder if the new design of the Nomad would actually be like one of the post-lawsuit Ibanez Destroyers, or maybe one of those Dean Zeros. iunno, we'll just have to wait and see. I do say though that we do need to chase 'em a tiny bit. Y'know, just to let them know that we actually want these...
  14. SabrePanzer

    I'd Like To See Warmoth Make....

    I'd love to see a couple things... For one, I wanna see what they've got for the "Nomad" (the replacement for the Explorer, assuming they decide to actually bring it back), maybe as a shape like a Dean Zero or maybe like an Ibanez Destroyer. And also a Firebird. I wanna build a Firebird too...