
Recent content by lafromla1

  1. lafromla1

    Ground from the tremolo claw

    In one case I took a drill and created a small hole to have something for the wire to go through and then soldered the whole thing.
  2. lafromla1

    I am totally befuddled now

    Just an update - Found a thread on the Seymour Duncan forum about where the pickup heights should be for the WLH set, and the concensus was that the bridge about should be even with the pickup ring and the neck ever so slightly lower than that.  I had them higher and the sound was terrible so I...
  3. lafromla1

    I am totally befuddled now

    First of all, let me say that Cagey is a freaking beast when it comes to the amount of knowledge he has...thank you so much for all your help over the years. Rewired everything according to the suggestions here and now the guitar is nearly silent.  At first it was completely silent, but for...
  4. lafromla1

    GAS Alert!!!!

    Why even pre-rout that beauty. I would let someone decide how they wanted it routed before putting one hole into it.
  5. lafromla1

    I am totally befuddled now

    Thank you so much.
  6. lafromla1

    Switchable value pot?

    What about using a TBX tone control?
  7. lafromla1

    I am totally befuddled now

    I tried an experiment and took some wire and wrapped it around the hot lead then connected one end to a ground and the noise diminished somewhat.  Since I only had the part of the HOT lead wrapped in the control cavity, and none in the routing, there was still some interference coming in, but...
  8. lafromla1

    I am totally befuddled now

    I believe its just a push back cloth cable.
  9. lafromla1

    I am totally befuddled now

    well one item down......they switch was wired incorrectly from the company that sold it to me and when I traced it back, it didnt match with the diagram.  A quick resolder on that got the middle working. Now to figure out what is causing the buzzing.  How does a multimeter work when tracing...
  10. lafromla1

    I am totally befuddled now

    For the last Warmoth Regal (LP) I built, I purchased the SD Whole Lotta Humbucker set with the the Jimmy Page Wiring system pre-assembled.  I put it all together, but it buzzed like a bitch.  I went through all the wiring and realized that the pre-wired harness was done incorrectly (which I...
  11. lafromla1

    Slab of maple, can I do anything with it?

    Cut this piece of maple, any suggestions? I was thinking 7/8 Tele body.
  12. lafromla1

    Another bad buzz question

    Could the pickups just be that hot that they buzz like a hive of angry hornets?
  13. lafromla1

    Another bad buzz question

    I have a feeling that the bridge wire was not connected properly to the studs when it was installed. I hooked up my Regal to my Marshall amp and cranked the gain.  The buzz was terrible until I touched the bridge, then it was completely gone.  The underlying hissing of the high gain was still...
  14. lafromla1

    Wiring Harness

    I just put in their Gibson Les Paul Jimmy Page Wiring Harness Bourns 500K Long Shaft Pots in my Regal and it is awesome.  Make sure that your soldering iron has a fine point tip as well in case you have to solder something to a small pin that already has something there.  Otherwise, the quality...
  15. lafromla1

    Titanium vs. Steel Strat Block?

    Nice caveat....lmao