
Wiring Harness


Anyone used electronics from Sigler / 920D?
I ordered this for my first build: http://www.siglermusiconline.com/products/920d-custom-shop-suhr-hss-wiring-harness-w-5-way-super-switch

and hope it's good quality. I know i could have done it myself for much less money, but it's my first build and i've never done more than install a pickup before.

Main concern is that the shafts on the pots are long enough for a rear-route strat body.
I just put in their Gibson Les Paul Jimmy Page Wiring Harness Bourns 500K Long Shaft Pots in my Regal and it is awesome.  Make sure that your soldering iron has a fine point tip as well in case you have to solder something to a small pin that already has something there.  Otherwise, the quality was really good.  I am very happy with it.
Thanks for the reply.
Doesn't look like they have a long-shaft version for strats. Guess i'll have to tear it all apart and resolder to long shaft pots. Kinda frustrating. Guessing the screws for the switch are gonna be too short as well. Anyone know where to get longer screws?