
Would a PBass pickguard fit this Bronco?

TTU Shredder

Junior Member
I am trying to upgrade my Squire Bronco Bass to something good. The neck has to be completely replaced because of alot of damage it has encountered and while I was at it i wanted to give it a better sound. So in order to do that I was going to replace the pickguard to the PBass one. Do you think it would fit?
Rather than retrofit a p-bass guard, Chandler can cut you a new pickguard. Sent them the old one and tell them what material you'd like.
for about the same price as a Tortoise P-bas pickguard (which doesn't look like it would be a match) you can also have a duplicate of your made from several pickguard makers

I have worked with Roger at Jeannie Pickguards in the past. Great guy to work with, excellent work, and usually under a two-day turnaround from the time it arrives at his shop to when he's shipped it out

all the best,
