
World's Most Expensive Top Ferrules

There's no ink to protect - laser printers use toner, which is microfine plastic particles. That's what the fuser roller does - it melts the plastic to the substrate. But, anything that strengthens the film has got to be a Good Thing. I remember putting decals on models when I was a kid, and keeping those things from tearing was half the battle.
Well, you got the idea, that's the important thing.

I just discovered something new/strange/odd while working on a blog entry about this build.

Watch the video below. @ ~ 00:55, you will see that Ritchie's volume knob says MASTER.

Never heard of that before, and just happened to see it now.

I've always thought it odd that guitar knobs were labelled at all (yeah, I'm looking at you, Fender). Are there players out there that need that information? And if so, shouldn't they have labels on all the frets, too? <grin>
My full-scallop Warmoth is still my desert-island guitar, but one thing you'll find - you must attend to any toothy fret ends, even more so than on an ordinary, boring, non-scalloped neck. There's nothing THERE, except fret. Munch, munch, munch. :toothy10:
I think I need to fix the 'scallopcaster'; by adding spaces at the front and back, I can get rid of that hard downturn of the S and R. But the Warmoth and 'Custom Booty' look okay.
On the Fender, the Custom Body Contour bit is on the same curve as the Stratocaster. On yours, your Custom Booty is all floating off by itself, angle-wise. Was that intentional?
Yes, it was, but I've already taken it off, along with the 'scallopcaster.'  I liked it better in the center because I couldn't get the copy small enough to match the original. But when I re-do it, I'll probably line it up.

Conversely, I'm seriously thinking of using the stock Warmoth logo and just adding the other two, because this Fender-style logo is okay, but just okay. I can't get it to the same size as the Fender because it's a larger word, plus it just doesn't look right to me.

Not that the W  logo would look right either, but it would look better!
Max said:
This rocks. Haven't you ordered a body to fill an order before?

Yeah really, this is pretty much standard. The only one who doesn't understand it is the girlfriend, but what the hell does she know
What girlfriend? I guess being single has its advantages after all.

Redid the headstock. Although this takes as many or more liberties, I like it a lot more. Now its just time to start layering the lacquer...

whitebison66 said:
What girlfriend? I guess being single has its advantages after all.

Redid the headstock. Although this takes as many or more liberties, I like it a lot more. Now its just time to start layering the lacquer...

Yeah, girlfriends, wives, kids, pets - they all eat into your toy funds <grin>

Headstock looks good so far. Do you have a spray rig, or are you using pressurized cans?
Wow those decals look really cool.  I have been debating what to put on my headstock once it arrives, now you've given me a pretty cool option here.  Just thinking up terms I can throw in front of CASTER...
If you're married to the word "caster", just look up casters on Google. There are jillions of them. Plug-in caster, rolling caster, swivel caster, fly caster, master caster, broadcaster, on and on. I think I'm gonna name my next guitar "Schitthead", after Navin Johnson's dog <grin>

I just use Pylox clear nitro in cans. It's the only option here (Hong Kong), as  I have neither the space nor justifiable need for a spray rig. I spray in the stairwell of my apartment building and leave it to dry in the second bedroom, which is converted into a workshop. The results I get are okay, but not commercial-grade by any stretch. Still, considering the method (and the painter), they can look pretty good.
my friends cousin is a teacher in a school in an all black neighborhood, a common name among his female students is Shithead pronounced "Shy-theed"
Dan025 said:
my friends cousin is a teacher in a school in an all black neighborhood, a common name among his female students is shitehead pronounced "Shy-theed"

I don't think that's funny, and I know it isn't true.

For any number of reasons, including my being a graduate of Howard University, I would ask you to remove this post, please.
it wasn't meant to be racist but i heard the name from a friend, a different friend who went to a catholic school with a "Shi-thead" and thought he was full of bs. when talking to my friends cousin, the subjuct of odd names came up. not in reference to any race but people we know with names that you wonder what the hell were there parents thinking like "harold peters." or just odd names that are some how cool like "Monica B. Real" i never brought up shi-thead as i thought it was bull, the teacher did. he said there were a couple in his school, not just one but several. his girlfriend also teaches at that school confirmed it. so either two respectable teachers who seemed to have complete respect for there students were playing a prank that by some coincidence was exactly what i had heard years earlier by a friend that had no connection to them. maybe it is a common story meant as a bad racist joke and i know a lot of pathological liars, or maybe, just maybe it is true.

you may think i am an ignorant racist redneck pig, i don't care i won't remove the post as i believed it was true at the time and still don't have a reason to believe that it is false. i don't believe in censorship, the boards profanity filter or moderators have already altered the spelling in my original post.

i'm not a racist, i have black friends, i have japanese friends, i have dated black women, and i'm insulted you would accuse me of lying and suggest the post should be removed. i thought it was funny that anyone would name there child something spelled the same as an insult. i have presented it as a something told to me by a third party not a personal experience which is entirely true and if i find the information shared with me to be false i will gladly submit an apology and remove the post. maybe i was dooped, maybe the otherwise respectable seeming teachers like to play not so tastefull pranks, but i don't believe that to be true.

i think the idea of anyone being called shi-thead can be funny black white or indifferent, imagine how many times a teacher unfamiliar with the name will read that and not know what to think as the kid grows up, or not just teachers, employer, fellow employees, imagine a job that needs a name tag dealing with customers. but if you think it to be offensive as the op you can just as easily remove it as i can.
GratefullyRedd said:
random posts are random, and it's shi-thead

thank you, the board censored the spelling without the - in the middle. i spelled it shy-theed to express the pronunciation as it was explained to me. but i think your example makes it perfectly clear.
Dan025 said:
GratefullyRedd said:
random posts are random, and it's shi-thead

thank you, the board censored the spelling without the - in the middle. i spelled it shy-theed to express the pronunciation as it was explained to me. but i think your example makes it perfectly clear.
you be welcome now ya hear(teehee).I like dan, you are very explanatory
yeah i cant help it, it does make it hard to talk to people just learning english though, i need to work on my wordy sentences, plus noone want to read long posts.

also whitebison, i hope we can put this to rest, i was a little hot before and may have been argumentative, i like you builds, the art is very cool, bright colors are hard to pull off, but your builds always seem to make it work. very cool.