:hello2: :hello2: :hello2:
Nice work! I have all the rattail files I could ever need, but to just look down at a "perfect neck" - with file in hint, evil glint in the eye... well, I'm just not there yet, emotionally-like. :sad1: Too bad I quit drinking, cause a half-gallon of hootch used to be great for breaking through emotional walls... a course half the time you couldn't tell what you'd invented when you woke up, "such is the plight" and all. The centering slice with the saw is a really good idea too. If I ever get around to buying a boat for my Mustwank, I'll probably scallop it some. There's no need for them to be nearly as deep as most are, as you're not actually squeezing the strings, just getting the board out of the way. Blackmore, not Shankar....