JaySwear said:the video worked for me... but i think it's like you said, change in supplies and finishes. i don't think they even offer apricot sparkle anymore (if they do i can't find it on their site's finishing section). i remember those videos from a few years ago though! i really liked their old finish section with real pictures of bodies, rather than the photoshop pictures that are on there now.
AGWAN said:I had no idea the Fuschia Flake was that purple... it puts it back on my Radar!
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:AGWAN said:I had no idea the Fuschia Flake was that purple... it puts it back on my Radar!
It may not be.
AGWAN said:Maybe they're not relevant anymore due to a change in Painter or supplies?
AGWAN said:Ohhhh you just had to spit in my Kool-Aid, didn't you?
AGWAN said:I think Alsa actually sells a Killer Kan close to that shade!
Not perfect, but close.
That color is pretty ghey, but I'd have to rock that car no matter what color it was.... :dontknow:ORCRiST said:AGWAN said:Ohhhh you just had to spit in my Kool-Aid, didn't you?
Here AGWAN, if you want a purple-metallic to shoot for - I've had my eye on this since I was like 21 when it first came out.
And for any rich organ donors out there, I'd gladly give my left nut for one! (Even though the model is now 17 years old!)
The Lamborghini Diablo VT SE30:
A little expensive sure, but I think we've established I have exotic (which usually means expensive) tastes... :laughing7:
And I don't care what the haters say, this would be a f-ing awesome color for a guitar!!
JaySwear said::laughing7: that color on that car is VERY Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. but i'm also a big fan of the Diablo, but i'd like mine in bright red please!