ihavenothingprofoundtosay said:Aussie Pete already linked to the RD-ish build I did last year - there's also my current thinline Firebird build up in the Work In Progress field. Sadly, I have an update w/pics for that (will get them up tonight) which underscores the difficulty of using a router - project's not ruined, but I did make a huge mistake.
I'd say that you'd definitely be better off using a bandsaw, but a jigsaw works just as well - IF - you're: A) prepared to deal with the saw-rash on the sides (a spindle sander or sanding drum in a power drill or drill press works for that) and B) you change the blades/start with a new blade. A friend pointed out to me that even on a flat work surface with a flat piece of wood, the up & down action of the saw can cause the blade to bow to one side or the other (as opposed to the one direction of the bandsaw). If you cut the whole body with one blade, it's possible that you won't end up with a perpendicular cut. I found out both of the above the hard way, but only to a small extent - sandpaper cures a number of ills. :laughing7:
BUT! - Patriot54: YOU HAZ TEH SKILLZ 4 THIS! Seriously, you can do it - it's not impossible or difficult by any stretch. Do it, and even if it's less than perfect, we won't know, and we'll still respect you forever for the Tat-Strat. :icon_thumright:
Thanks - I'll be limited to basic hand power tools for this project, but there's a lot of good info here for when I get more advanced.