Where to find this body?


I'm looking for semi-hollow guitar body to build a project I've had for a while now. However, it has been extremely hard, if not impossible, to find the body to start on. I want a Byrdland style body (doesn't have to be 23" scale, but could be). I have searched everywhere: eBay, reverb, warmoth, guitarfetish, etc... for someone to sell Byrdland type bodies. I have searched kit guitars, international luthiers, lawsuit guitars, everywhere... Still nothing. I even considered ordering from aliexpress a Chibson Byrdland (with my specs, and not a Gibson logo), but it takes out all the fun in building and doing it myself.

If anyone has ANY idea where to find a guitar body with those descriptions, please let me know.
Don't know too much about byrdlands.  Is the main problem scale length or body thickness?