And then you learn to do it
without a click track.... :cool01: I have a friend who runs a pro studio in Minneapolis, at various times it's been the preferred place for punk, metal, bluegrass (?), "acoustic rock" etc. He's pretty much appalled at the the percentage of bands that come in there unable to play their songs straight through, all the way from from
start to finish.
In these days of home Pro Tools, they want to record one measure of D, one measure of G, one measure of Em and have the "producer" add them together. I've developed a real allergy to the "music" made one track at a time by five musicians in five different basements and "flown" together like a lego song. Without even (always) knowing it, I tend to prefer music played in one room at one time, at least the basic tracks. Thank doodles for sugarmegs....