What's with this LPS?

Lucky #7

Hero Member
I saw it a few months ago and presumably someone bought it, but now it's back with no buy link.  What's the deal?

Looks like "festering wound" finish is back. Either a plus or a minus, depending on taste...
Looks like a "Black Forest" cake to me:

And I don't like it :(
I actually like it.  For some reason, to me, if you were to make a Max Payne guitar, that's it.
This reminds me of the other thread that was talking about waking up with, well, let's just say something unattractive next to you.  Some guy probably ordered this after a few too many, and when it showed up he was like what the..... ???  Sorry Warmoth, I know everyone has different tastes and all, but sometimes I see something in the showcase that just makes me cringe.
Well, it's good to know that if I get the money together and decide to get it that it has a strong likelihood of still being there.  Call me crazy, but there's just something I like about it.
I think it will look cool once it is put together. A tough, gothic style build.
its not ugly IMO.
its DEFINATLY NOT my cup of tea, because i am not a fan of LP's and i am not a fan of either red or grey in a finish and i am not a fan of binding, but i wouldnt call it ugly though.

Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
That looks like such a 'Metal' LPS!

I want it. But i have very, very little $$ left!

??? i dont understand where you are getting "metal" from...
is it the grey in the middle or what?
line6man said:
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
That looks like such a 'Metal' LPS!

I want it. But i have very, very little $$ left!

??? i dont understand where you are getting "metal" from...
is it the grey in the middle or what?

tfarny said:
Looks like "festering wound" finish is back. Either a plus or a minus, depending on taste...

That, and the grey.
I think it is a great looking guitar.  I'm surprised so many folks don't like it.