
What's everyone paying for gas lately?


Hero Member
Thanks to the wave of revolution going on in the Middle East and northern Africa, we've seen the price of fuel jump over a quarter a gallon here in the United States. In upper Michigan, I'm paying $3.57 a gallon. What's everyone else paying (for a gallon or a liter) as well?  I'm also kind of curious to hear if any of our board members from abroad have also seen fuel prices jump as well in regards to the unrest.
Yes. Here in Denmark we are having the highest prices on fuel ever.

Gas is more than 12,- danish kr. pr. liter. Thats around 2,25 US dollars.
Just paid $1.51 per litre here in Australia for Premium 98 octane fuel.

Fasten the hatches, fuel will rise before all this is over. And then who knows what will happen once the people of oil rich nations decide they wanna slice of the oil royalties that their dictator/corrupt President/ ruling family have been pocketing all those years.Hoping any renegotiations with the oil companies will be done maturely and not a rush of nationalisation of the resources and the rest of the world held to ransom. (Now would be a good time to find that elusive alternative fuel)
Graffiti62 said:
Thanks to the wave of revolution going on in the Middle East and northern Africa, we've seen the price of fuel jump over a quarter a gallon here in the United States. In upper Michigan, I'm paying $3.57 a gallon. What's everyone else paying (for a gallon or a liter) as well?  I'm also kind of curious to hear if any of our board members from abroad have also seen fuel prices jump as well in regards to the unrest.

$1.50 +/litre.
$3.33 in MO, $3.53 in KS. I've got a 1300 mile move ahead of me in a few months, have to take two cars, I'm thinking about selling one of them and just using public transportation once I get to Phoenix.

Around €1,65 for a liter gasoline. That's roughtly $8,70/gallon. €1,32 for a liter diesel (that's what I use).

Fortunately it doesn't affect me personally since I drive a company car. It will affect me if it spirals the company into bankruptcy (lol). But I doubt that.
The price per litre this morning in Toronto was $1.23.4 (someone had fun with that price), which works out to about 4.67 a gallon.

In other words, way too much!
E.G. Jones said:
$1.25/litre here in Québec City. Was $1.29 last week. Good thing I can walk to work.
37.4 mile each way, cost me close to $14 dollars a day to go to work
3.78/gal Anchorage,Ak
I'd bitch, but then I see what some of the rest of you are paying.
Oh Hell. I'm going to bitch anyway.
When my country buys an automaker and the CEO of the automaker says " In order for the Volt to be cost effective gas will have to break $5.00 a gallon"
I could pretty much  guess it was going to be sooner than later.