I was living in Coconut Grove when Hurricane Andrew passed overhead. And I do mean
overhead - being in the eye of a category 5 hurricane is something everybody should do - once. :hello2: I was living in what's called a "cracker house", built in the 1930's out of hard Florida pine - my house was OK, but the newer houses further south turned into matchsticks. There were trees down everywhere, boats all over the place - it's quite surreal to see a 70-foot cabin cruiser sitting in the middle of the road, a mile from the bay. The restaurant I was working at then was right on the bay, and the front wall blew in and the kitchen was filled about three feet high with weird weedy shit from the bottom of the bay, which was home to some seriously nasty-looking little buggy/fishy creatures, flipping around and dying. Ick. We didn't have power for nine days (MONTHS further south), but the water was contaminated for a month. Take a shower, get pinkeye, drink it, get dysentery. The leading edge of a hurricane is more dangerous for some reason, 200 mph winds, and while the hurricane was blowing overhead I distinctly remember thinking that it was
alive - and not a good alive, either.
Things like food and drink (and TAKING A SHOWER) take on a bigger importance when you're not sure there will be any, but the single weirdest thing was the wood ticks - it must have been breeding season in the Everglades or something, because about a week after the hurricane billions and billions of the little buggers just sprang up and began looking for food. You'd look down at the sidewalk, and on one 2' by 2' concrete square there'd be a few hundred ticks - so
don't go in the bushes. Hundred or thousands of pets took off during the storm, and they largely died from the ticks (and fleas). The University of Miami had an AIDS research lab down in South Miami with a bunch of infected monkeys - who escaped, and got hungry of course. So eventually, the National Guard was blowing infected orangutans and baboons out of the trees with M-16's, because the monkeys were trying to eat people's dogs and getting really aggressive with
Like I said, everybody should try it once!
Just once.... :blob7: